.t.a.o.n.'s photos

15 Aug 2019

78 favorites


2 022 visits

urban sceneries - jerusalem


11 Nov 2017

71 favorites


1 931 visits



12 Sep 2017

73 favorites


2 472 visits

the carpet crawler (we've got to get in to get out)

ipernity version alternative title: neither.in.nor.out original version on www.taonarts.com (part of the front gif) or (single): www.taonarts.com/nudes-2 so, dear friends, contacts and visitors, the overtake of iper by ima comes closer, means: a lot of things will change... a lot of things have changed already, many members have left the platform and searched/found a new home in other communities. others reduced their activities or stopped them completely and some last survivors are still here and try to keep the platform alive by their tireless activities. my biggest respect for the people from ima ! to have cr as a negotiation partner invites more to run away than to continue, i guess... and to spend so much time and energy for this project is no matter of course! but when the overtake is realized, only the first part of all is done, nobody can say whether iper in its new form will be able to survive. i said it here, i said it there: without free accounts i don't see any chance for iper to attract enough people who are motivated to become paying members. i'm afraid that iper will turn into a community of people with an income of western standard only, others will see the fees and have a look for cheaper options. i have my doubts that this is the way to get enough club members to let the platform survive. how many crowdfundings will be necessary ? how many members will donate next time ? and overnext ? to base all hopes on a closure of flickr and that the members from there will be the rescue for ipernity – how realistic is that ? i'm on this platform since more than 9 years, i began my artistical carreer here and i'll be sad if ima will close my account, because i won't pay 50 usd/year and don't want to be a member of an elitist community, but obviously this will be the way of the new iper. if all continues as proclaimed, iper will have one artist less... not everyone will be sad about that, for all others who want see my works also in the future: www.taonarts.com , you're invited to have a look and/or leave a comment ! ;-) if you want to tell me some words more - my mail adress you find on the right side of my frontpage there... whether i'll be active again on other communities i haven't decided yet, at least i have accounts on flickr, fotocommunity, hq23 and 500px., but at the moment they're sleeping... and maybe there's still a chance that iper will offer a cheaper membership than 50 usd/year... ;-) we'll see... not to forget: www.youtube.com/watch?v=2yUN6CsuVPw have fun, be creative, take care !

02 Jan 2017

99 favorites


3 004 visits

don't tell me lies !

original photo by gabi fk: www.ipernity.com/home/darkqueen ... thank you so much, dear gabi ! model: angie (many thanks, dear angie !) www.ipernity.com/doc/darkqueen/42922124 A HAPPY AND PEACEFUL 2017 FOR US ALL ! ;-)

05 May 2016

123 favorites


3 040 visits

the last sunset (?)

24 Apr 2016

139 favorites


3 033 visits


not in "explore" (because censored by iper administration), but on www.taonarts.com ;-)

09 Apr 2016

128 favorites


2 218 visits

just another rainy day

it's spring... ;-) the other rainy day: not on www.taonarts.com (because it's not art) ;-)

08 May 2032

126 favorites


2 730 visits

flowing thoughts


03 Jan 2015

129 favorites


2 796 visits


83 photos in total

For a Guest account such as this, the number of content displayed is limited to a maximum of 100.