Haines Shoe House Snapshot

Haines Shoe House, Hellam, Pa.

Haines Shoe House Snapshot

21 Jul 2019 4 1 456
I chose shoes in order to pick a theme about things—objects, artifacts, or items (or any other topic) for the third week of Wild Card Month—Pick Your Own Theme! in the Vintage Photos Theme Park. I thought about posting an actual photo of shoes but decided that a shoe-shaped house might be more interesting. Handwritten caption on this snapshot, which probably dates to the 1950s: "Haines Shoe House, Hellam." This is a photo of the Haines Shoe House in Hellam Township, York County, Pennsylvania. Businessman Mahlon Haines , who called himself the "Shoe Wizard," built it in 1948-49 to promote his shoe stores. The Shoe House is still standing and is open for tours. See also a cropped version of the photo and a close-up of the car parked in front of the building .

Haines Shoe House Snapshot (Cropped)

21 Jul 2019 176
A 1950s snapshot of the Shoe House in York County, Pa. See also a close-up of the car parked in front of the building . For more information, see the full photo .

Haines Shoe House Snapshot (Detail)

21 Jul 2019 156
"Haines the Shoe Wizard" is visible on the side of this car, which is parked in front of the Shoe House in York County, Pa. For more information, see the full photo .

The Haines Shoe House, Hellam, Pa.

19 Jun 2009 4 1 1721
The Haines Shoe House mailbox and building, Hellam, York County, Pennsylvania. The building is visible from a nearby highway (Route 30) and is located not far from the Lincoln Highway (Route 462). Mahlon Haines, the self-proclaimed "Shoe Wizard" and owner of a string of shoe stores, invited newlyweds and others to vacation at the house after it was built in 1949.

The Haines Shoe House Sign, Hellam, Pa.

19 Jun 2009 1 937
"The Haines Shoe House. Ice cream, tours. Next exit, right to 462, then right to Shoe House Rd." Sign with manicule (the pointing hand mark or ☞) at the Haines Shoe House (below, with mailbox) in Hellam, Pennsylvania.