Adam *'s favorite photos

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By Wolfgang

1 favorite

Warning signs beside the walk

warnings for all visitors not to leave the way.

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By Wolfgang

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The Potala

The Potala gives the impression not of having been built by man but have grown there, so perfectly does it fit in with its surroundings. It has the pleasing lack of symmetry of a great tree or mountain, yet this apparent aimlessness is focused, first by the red central block and then by the golden pavilions on the roof, so that the eye is naturally led from the less important to the essential, both visually and spiritually; for in so much as the gilded roofs over the mortal remains of the Dalai Lamas are the dominant figure of the architecture, so is the incarnate spirit of these rulers the very soul of Tibet.

By Ulrich Dinges

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Angler am alten Flusshafen / Fisherman

weges meines Blogs hochgeladen Walkabout with my camera in a strange City. I take picture and picture use same streets and take pictures like much people before me - nothing so of interest that i want to show you here. There at the old harbour is a line up of fisherman soundness hunting. i want to to get more; possibly a nice portait of one of this fellows. I accost one , and we start an conversation. As young Person he learns in russia the russian Language in Kirisistan. I detaild some of my personal things. And he spoke that he worked in Germany for nealy for 20 years as an stone cutter. It was very intersting to hear such interesting things and taking pictures are not so important..... (to read mainly in my German Blog)

By malona

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Havana, Cuba 2006 // 03283 B

By malona

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Schloss Seehof, Deutschland 2007 / 10165 / large on Black

By Elbertinum

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Durchblicke - vistas - échappée - travidoj

erbaut um 1890 im Bergischen Land - und heute noch befahren...


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toutes les directions et les distances ...

By malona

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kleine Runde ums Rathaus, München 2006 // 06745 B

By Elbertinum

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eine tschechische Blaskapelle spielt deutsche und tschechische Melodien..die Tschechen tanzen und singen...und machen eine Polonaise... bei den Tschechen gibt es Wurstscheiben und Glühwein gratis beim deutschen Stand kostet der Glühwein 1.50 Euro...(übrigens fahren sehr viele Tschechen nach Deutschland zum Einkaufen...wie ich mittlerweile auf der Autobahn und bei den Großmärkten erlebe...)
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