Novice monks at Gom Kora


Thangbi Lhakhang

01 Oct 2011 15 16 1281
Thangbi Lhakhang is a Nyingmapa monastery in upper Choekhor (Bumthang) valley. It was founded in 1470 by the 4th Shamar Rinpoche of the Karma Kagyu school but subsequently taken over by Pema Lingpa and run as a Nyingmapa temple. The iron curtain in front of the main temple (see inset photo) is attributed to Pema Lingpa himself. Typically for Nyingmapa monasteries, Thangbi is run by 20 gomchen (married lay monks) who live as farmers in houses grouped round the Lhakhang (see inset photo)

Dhur Chhu

01 Oct 2011 11 14 752
Dhur Chhu river in Bumthang (Choekhor) valley, elevation 2650m. The valley sides are covered by pristine pinewoods.

Zangdopelri Lhakhang, Kurjey

01 Oct 2011 60 87 347
The four valleys of Bumthang are Bhutan's cultural heartland. Choekhor Valley (2600m) is the central one and home to some of the oldest and most important monasteries in the country. Zangdopelri is a new addition though, built with the support of the Queen mother Ashi Kesang Choden Wangchuck and only consecrated in September 2011. Die vier Täler von Bumthang sind das kulturelle Kernland Bhutans. Das Choekhor-Tal (2600m) liegt im Zentrum und beherbergt einige der ältesten und wichtigsten Klöster das Landes. Zangdopelri ist allerdings eine Neugründung, die erst im September 2011 geweiht wurde.

Backlit Bumthang woods

01 Oct 2011 15 12 1006
In Chhoekhor Valley, on the way to Tamshing Lhakhang. The four valleys of Bumthang (2600-4000m) are the heartland of Bhutan with some of the most ancient monasteries.

Kurjey Lhakhang

02 Oct 2011 51 46 317
Kurjey (Kur-body, jey-imprint) is one of the important monasteries in Bumthang valley, Bhutan's cultural heartland. It was built in 1652 at a site where Guru Rinpoche/ Padmasambhava liked to meditate and left an imprint of his body on a rock. The perimeter wall consists of numerous small chortens/stupas and the mani rock in the foreground is painted with mantras (om mani padme hum). Kurjey (kur-Körper, jey- Abdruck) ist eines der bedeutenden Klöster im Bumthang-Tal, dem kulturellen Kernland Bhutans. Es wurde 1652 an einer Stelle erbaut, wo Guru Rinpoche/ Padmasambhava oft meditiert und einen Abdruck seines Körpers im Fels hinterlassen hatte. Die Umfassungsmauer besteht aus unzählingen kleinen Chörten/Stupas und der Mani-Stein im Vordergrund ist mit Mantren (om main padme hum) versehen.

Prayer Wheels

02 Oct 2011 16 22 711
Prayer wheels at Jambey Lhakhang, one of the 108 temples said to have been built in a single day in 659 AD by Tibetan king Songtsen Gampo to subdue an ogress. 10-Week Picture Projects: Shapes, Week 8: Cylinder/ tube

Jakar Dzong

02 Oct 2011 40 58 257
HFF amd a good weekend to all of you!

Chhumey Valley

03 Oct 2011 50 96 361
Chhumey is the westernmost of the 4 valleys of Bumthang in Central Bhutan. HFF folks, stay safe!


03 Oct 2011 35 62 405
Trongsa town and Dzong lie at ca. 2800m in Central Bhutan. The region is separated from Bumthang to the East by 3436 high Yotang La pass and from the west of the country by 3424m high Pele La pass. The Wangchuk dynasty who are kings of Bhutan since the early 20th century stem from Bumthang and have traditionally held the office of penlop (governour) of Trongsa. The note shows the whole dzong seen from above. Der Ort Trongsa und der gleichnamige Dzong liegen in Zentral-Bhutan. Die Region ist von Bumthang im Osten durch den 3436m hohen Yotong La Pass und von Westbhutan durch den 3424m hohen Pele La Pass getrennt. Die Wangchuk-Dynastie, die seit dem frühen 20. Jh die Könige von Bhutan stellt, stammt aus Bumthang und hat traditionell das Amt des penlop (Gouverneurs) von Trongsa inne. Das PiP zeigt den gesamten Dzong von oben.

Trongsa Dzong

03 Oct 2011 63 109 536
The monastic-administrative fortress of Trongsa dzong was founded in 1543 and subsequently enlarged to what is now the largest dzong in Bhutan with a maze of courtyards, buildings, temples and a central tower (utse). It sits on a spur high above the Mangde Chhu river. Gegründet 1543, ist Trongsa Dzong die größte Klosterfestung in Bhutan. Der Dzong, der auch die weltliche Distriktsverwaltung beherbergt, ist auf einem Bergvorsprung hoch über dem Mangde Chhu Fluss. Die Festung wurde immer wieder erweitert und ausgebaut und ist nun ein unübersichtliches Wirrwarr an Innenhöfen, Gebäuden,Tempeln und einem Turm (utse). HealthyFF!

Mangde Chhu

03 Oct 2011 51 60 417
Valley of Mangde Chhu river seen from Trongsa Dzong. Like most Bhutan rivers Mangde Chhu runs from the Himalayas down to Assam and eventually drains into the Brahmaputra. River valleys are mostly steep like this, roads run high above and have to take big detours to cross the river ( have a look at the map!). Das Tal des Mangde Chhu Flusses von Trongsa Dzong aus gesehen. Wie die meisten Flüsse in Bhutan verläuft der Mangde Chhu von den Höhen des Himalaya nach Süden bis Assam, wo er in den Brahmaputra mündet. Flusstäler sind in Bhutan in der Regel extrem eng und steil, die Strassen verlaufen meist weit oben am Hang und um über den Fluss zu kommen sind große Umwege nötig, wie ein Blick in die Karte zeigt.

Trongsa school kids

03 Oct 2011 14 10 715
These kids were on their way home from school, the girls still wearing their school uniform.

Throwing a tantrum

03 Oct 2011 23 16 124
in Trongsa town

Mangde Chhu Valley

04 Oct 2011 8 12 933
Morning light over Mangde Chhu valley near Trongsa, seen from the Lateral Road. Most valleys in Bhutan tend to be extremely narrow and steep. Distances look short as the crow flies but roads have to take long detours.

Tradition and modernity

04 Oct 2011 39 48 321
Bhutanese women at Gangtey, the right one in traditional dress for the Gangtey tsechu (religious festival).


04 Oct 2011 13 12 618
These visitors to the Gangtey Tsechu (religious festival) asked to have their photo taken:-) Gangtey Gomba was founded in 1613 by Gyalsé Rinpoche and is the westernmost Nyingmapa monastery in Bhutan.


04 Oct 2011 57 104 416
HFF folks, have a good weekend!

Green chilies anyone?

04 Oct 2011 22 28 455
Market in the hamlet of Nubding, farmers selling their produce

57 items in total