Rachel J Bowler's photos


05 Aug 2013 7 3 143
Stone Heart

Under Blue Skies

25 May 2023 13 4 184
Was it you walking Behind me Under blue skies, Before the day Turned to evening? Shapes on The shoreline. A dream once vivid. Moments That came to pass, And then forgotten, Until sadness Whispered them to life.


27 Apr 2022 11 6 170
Ludovico Einaudi


24 Sep 2022 11 6 216
Martin Czerny


24 Jan 2023 12 7 251
In a thousand Different directions, Following many Paths not one, The branches Show us the way, And whisper A kind of freedom We can barely Understand.

One Afternoon

05 Jun 2017 14 11 204
Ludovico Einaudi


26 May 2012 5 3 75
When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain?


31 Jan 2019 13 10 267
I wait Without cover Whilst the cold sharpens in. Death pulling to the floor. Is it possible to revive The mists of eternity? The frost smothers Einstein white, And gravity pins me To this place. I dare not look up. Hope would crush me.


27 Apr 2022 8 3 169
Richard Rodney Bennett

Old Memory

24 Jan 2023 7 1 206
Martin Czerny

Morning Star

24 Jan 2023 11 7 261
Morning star, Out of the winter sun You appeared in black With chords of comfort, And all the songs I had ever known. I traded my soul For a lyre For you to play. And when the darkness Came I listened, until A nightmare Set me free.

Coming Back

24 Jan 2023 13 9 237
In the winter I came back, When the mist was down. I could still read the signs That pointed the way Towards solitary benches. So I chose one and sat, And drizzle mingled Between every pore, Until it reached Ethereal peace.

Unwritten Poetry

05 Jul 2017 10 7 219
Martin Czerny

Low Mist

24 Jan 2023 5 3 208
Ludovico Einaudi


31 Jan 2019 7 6 205
Protecting shoes from the mud, My glamour works In frozen fractals, Waiting for change To unfix blankness Into a wry smile. Sit outside with me For an hour and feel The numbness. Or stay for longer Through the birdsong, And watch freedom.

The Past

24 Jan 2023 7 5 214
Martin Czerny

The Ladder

24 Jan 2023 17 8 216
'There's the ladder without-a-top,' said Silky, pointing. 'No one has ever climbed beyond the three thousandth rung, because they get so tired. And there's the tree-that-sings. It's singing now.' So it was - a whispery, beautiful song, all about the sun and the wind and rain. The children could understand it perfectly, although the tree did not use any words they knew. It just stood there and poured out its song in tree language. Enid Blyton - The Folk of the Faraway Tree

The Grey Lady

24 Jan 2023 9 5 141
Through the house No longer there, She walks. At a distance, Across the open grass. Sitting on a bench In the height of summer. At dusk, she lingers On the outskirts Of the fair. A thousand years Away, Alluded to By lovers On a rainy day. The real story Never told. The winter warning.

62 photos in total

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