Memory Grove, creek and "yarn-bombed" trees

Memory Grove

Explore this photo album by Ellie on Flickr!

14 Aug 2020

85 visits

Memory Grove, creek and "yarn-bombed" trees

also, the water treatment plant

14 Aug 2020

92 visits

Trees that were yarn-bombed, Memory Grove

14 Aug 2020

81 visits

yarn-bombed trees next to water treatment equipment, Memory Grove

14 Aug 2020

1 favorite

77 visits

Black Lives Matter - yarn-bombed tree - Memory Grove

14 Aug 2020

79 visits

Hug a tree

"Yarn-bombing" in Memory Grove

14 Aug 2020

77 visits

Yarn-bombed tree (cozy tree sweater) Memory Grove

14 Aug 2020

6 visits

I'm Tree - Memory Grove - extolling the virtues of trees

14 Aug 2020

7 visits

Save the Trees

Memory Grove, Salt Lake City

14 Aug 2020

82 visits

Welcome to Memory Grove

Love this yarn art!
10 items in total