HFF Tyndrum Scotland 11th September 2018


11 Sep 2018

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188 visits

HFF Tyndrum Scotland 11th September 2018

The grey clouds are down on the mountains but there is a colourful bridge over the West Highland railway Line behind the fence on the right & the A82 road behind the other fence on the left. Taken near County Marsh Summit to the north of Tyndrum in the Scottish Highlands. Seen en route from Fort William to Glasgow. HFF to everyone. Have a great weekend.

02 Oct 2007

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177 visits

Bridge of Orchy Scotland 2nd October 2007

Early morning mist hangs in the glens while the rising sun turns the mountaintops red. Seen from the open window of the Euston to Fort William sleeper train just south of Bridge of Orchy station on the West Highland Line. I had caught the sleeper from Crewe the night before and we were pulled by EWS Class 67 diesel 67007.

03 Sep 2023

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164 visits

Edinburgh Castle Scotland September 1972

I hitch-hiked north on the A1 from Doncaster to Scotland ending up in Edinburgh and then walked up to the castle. This is the view looking west from Edinburgh Castle. The prominent spires of St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral stand out in the mist. Just to not disappoint any railway enthusiasts in my audience I should also point out that the multi-storied building between castle and cathedral is the Lothian Road side of the Caledonian Hotel opened in 1903 by the the Caledonian Railway whose Princes Street station was entered via the hotel's grand arches until its closure in 1965.