Puzzler4879's photos


01 Jan 1980 21 26 220
I shot this Camelia today along the shore of the Japanese Pond at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. Hope you like it!

"Spring Moon"

01 Jan 1980 4 2 131
A happy find for me at 2am, a just rising orange moon in the east. Thought I'd try a little capture of it with my little Canon P&S camera on maximum telephoto.

Aloe dorotheae

01 Jan 1980 5 4 120
Aloe dorotheae foliage. This is an endangered succulent species native to Tanzania. Photographed at the New York Botanical Garden.

House Wren Nest Box

01 Jan 1980 8 4 164
A nest box designed for House Wrens, Troglodytes aedon, along the West Pond Trail at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York City. These tiny and active insect eating birds often nest under the eaves and in drain pipes of homes. The elongated entrance hole allows the birds to fit nesting material through it.

"Tower, Goose Flight On Final Approach"

01 Jan 1980 15 20 173
A flight of Canada Geese coming in for a landing on the West Pond at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York. The Refuge is part of Gateway National Recreation Area.

Hawk Closeup

01 Jan 1980 9 8 109
Another much tighter view of the Red-tailed (or Red-Shouldered?) Hawk I shot at the NY Botanical Garden last week. I love that yellow eye! Sorry the image came out so small (I'm the "Crazy Cropper!).

"Sunrise Panorama"

01 Jan 1980 6 5 157
A beautiful late March sunrise seen from my Brooklyn apartment window. I only cropped out the buildings, etc. along the bottom. Otherwise it's SOOC.

Swimmer's Fantasy

01 Jan 1980 4 4 110
A small Koi swims past an inverted reflection of the Conservatory dome in the Koi Pond at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx in New York City on March 23, 2021.

"The Sun Will Return"

01 Jan 1980 6 7 140
Just a quick shot of our clearing Brooklyn Sky after a soggy period. Sights like this give me renewed hope for the future for us all. I hope you enjoy it!

Golden Barrel Cactus Echinocactus grusonii

01 Jan 1980 18 18 229
A large and impressive Golden Barrel Cactus, Echinocactus grusonii, shot at the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx in New York City. The light worked out just right.

Red-tailed Hawk NYBG

01 Jan 1980 9 8 214
A stately looking Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis, captured on March 23, 2021 outside of the Conservatory of the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx, New York. To learn more about this impressive Raptor visit en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buteo_jamaicensis .

"A Stop to Look Back"

01 Jan 1980 15 14 161
Another fine work of art by artist Kevin Walsh, and a fine quality product by Bits and Pieces. I had such fun doing this one. I just wish I owned that car!!

"Ripples of Life"

01 Jan 1980 8 10 132
Annual growth rings in a piece of weathered cut wood alongside the Visitor Center of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. The Refuge is part of Gateway National Recreation Area, New York City's largest National Park System Unit. To learn more about Gateway, go to www.nps.gov/GATE .


01 Jan 1980 12 8 150
Just another sky shot from my window during the quarantine.

"Pastel Sky"

01 Jan 1980 11 14 150
A shot I took on December 28, 2020, which I didn't like at first but I saved it, and it's grown on me. Please let me know what you think of it. Stay safe and be well, everyone!!

Queens Korean War Memorial (2007) Kissena Park Que…

10 Mar 2021 9 12 199
The stirring Queens Korean War Monument (Dedicated 2007) in Kissena Park. The park is located in Flushing, Queens in New York City. The sculptor was William Crozier. A list of service personnel from Queens lost in the war is included in the memorial. The inscription reads "In remembrance of those from Queens Who Gave Their Lives in the Korean War 1950-1953, the Forgotten War." For further information see www.nycgovparks.org/parks/kissena-park/monuments/1996 .

"Newest Member of the Family"

01 Jan 1980 7 6 107
The completed 300 piece jigsaw puzzle "Newest Member of the Family," art by Joseph Burgess and manufactured by Bits and Pieces.

Meet Lulu!

01 Jan 1980 12 8 141
A sweet and gorgeous canine I met while walking with friends in Kissena Park in Queens, New York City. We stopped and chatted with Lulu's owner, while Lulu was getting a whole lot of petting and scratches from us. Today was such a perfect day for a romp in a park, for man or dog.

100 items in total

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