Janet Brien's photos

Crow with Breakfast on North Harris Beach (+5 ins…

08 Apr 2021 47 34 355
(+5 insets) (Please click! Wonderful crow details await!) (Sscroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written on the Road: The Elderly Gentleman On my walks I often encounter folks along the way, and sometimes I run into them again during the same stroll! One fellow brings a smile to myself when I think about him. One morning I was walking up North Harris Beach and I noticed a person standing stock still at the base of a craggy boulder where the waves were creeping up with the tide. Hands held at his side, he was staring intently at something where the water hit the rocks. As the waves sank back, he crept closer, penguin-style. If the waves got too close he waggled backwards. What a funny sight! By the time I made it to the rock he'd been scooting back and forth on, he'd backed away from his tenuous position and disappeared up the beach. I couldn't help wondering what he'd been looking at. Later I trekked up the trail that winds around and leads up to the small but impressive Harris Butte which overlooks the coast and boasts a fabulous view. (I shared a picture in my last presentation) On the way, who should I meet but the fellow I'd seen on the beach! As we passed, I had my opportunity to quell my curiosity and after wishing him a good morning, asked, "What were you looking at down there on the beach?" He smiled widely, remembering where he'd seen me and reported proudly, "I saw two starfish, one purple, the other orange! I thought there was another one but the waves kept coming in and I didn't want to get soaked." I congratulated him and told him that I might try looking myself another day. I would see him for three more days on this trail and each time we said hello as we passed one another. I loved that he was so active and interested in the beauty of Harris Beach and wondered how he came to be there and if he was a full-time traveler. It would have been fun to have a chat with him. In the end, I never did check out the side of that rock down at the edge of the water but I can picture the starfish that he saw. (I wish I'd gotten a picture of him at some point but it wasn't in the cards.) A Note to Introduce Today's Picture Harris Beach State Park is unique because it has two wonderful beaches: North and South. Between them sits a boulder-glutted area and a very large, healthy tide pool--all of which can be scrambled around when the tide is low. Further bi- and trisecting the beaches, a number of creeks empty out into the ocean in several places and create lagoons or busy streams which snake down to the water's edge. Crossing them to continue walking along the beach can be a simple wide stretch with some momentum, a careful hop or a running leap. Alternatively, one may choose to abandon any decorum whatsoever and splash across or, for those who really don't want to get soaked, the adventurous can climb over the cobbled driftwood and rocks that collect at the tops of the beaches where the streams come down the hillside. The streams running down to the ocean are very popular with the local birdlife and there are usually a cluster of seagulls hanging out, bathing, or hunting for a meal. Plovers, oyster-catchers, and sandpipers are also regular visitors too. Today's Picture One day I walked to the edge of one of the streams emptying out into the ocean and watched a crow with something in its beak. It would toss it in the water and then pick it up again. Then it would walk to another spot and do it again. I wasn't sure what it was up to but I think it was washing the sand off of its goody! The main picture shows this crow eying its morsel. (Please see this picture at full-size, it's best viewed large!) Today's Insets Along with the crow image, I'm including a few more: • a portrait of the crow that shows its treat (a slice of ham? Pastrami?) • a shining abstract of charred driftwood • the a driftwood still life that includes the charred driftwood • beautiful lines showing rippling stream water • a collage of images to show the pretty millipede I saw on the beach Thank You For Your Visit, Comments & Stars! What fun to read what you have to say about my latest presentation! It's so enjoyable to learn a tidbit that relates to you or if you have a favorite image. Likewise, I really love to hop around the world through the lenses of your cameras to see what you're sharing today, and to let you know what I think too! :) Hope you had a wonderful weekend and crossing your fingers that this coming week is great too! Explored on 11/21/21; highest placement #4.

Happy Fence Friday from Harris Beach! (+7 insets)

08 Apr 2021 40 31 319
(+7 insets) (seeing larger shows some fun fence detail!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written on the Road: You Never Know What You'll Find when Hiking! One day I was riding my bike around the campground loops when I saw what appeared to be a pet cat walking across the road. Couldn't be, I thought. I'd seen cats taken along on camping trips but they always had a harness and leash attached to a carefully attentive owner. And, anyone who's put a harness on a cat knows that such contraptions are mostly there for show…if a cat wants to escape, it can almost always contort its way easily out of a harness faster than Houdini! The reality of a missing cat on a road trip would be a total nightmare…just thinking about it makes me shudder. And yet, as I rode by, I confirmed what I saw: a lovely grey tabby strolling along with its tail held high over its back. I was amazed! Could there be a long-term host who had their cat with them? Something to ponder about. Later, Steve and I were walking around the loops with Pumpkin when we saw the cat again. Steve had seen it previously as well, and we both talked to it as we went by. The kitty was friendly enough that it didn't run away but couldn't be bothered to come over and visit. Fine by us, we had Pumpkin with us and didn't want it to approach anyway. The next morning I was on my walk, heading down the trail leading to North Harris Beach when I saw a couple of ladies with their dogs enjoying the view. Suddenly I saw a flash of movement--the cat! What was this?!! Was this their cat? A CAT going on a WALK?!! NO WAY!! I exclaimed in excitement, "I can't believe my eyes! Never in my life have I seen a CAT going on a WALK!" The two of them turned and laughed, nodding their heads. One said, "This is Whiskey! She really is amazing! Seriously--the first time we opened the door to let her out we thought, 'That's the last time we'll see the cat, she'll take off and never come back.' But she was fine!" I whooped my surprise as she continued, "She goes out and comes right back when we call! And when we go on walks, she comes with us! People are so surprised that they've been taking pictures of her and post them online--she's actually got her own Instagram account!" With another amazed, "WOW!!", I shook my head and stared in wonder as Whisky came running over when I knelt down to say hi. Running my hands over her soft, luxurious coat, I rubbed her ears and skritched under her chin as she rubbed up against me. I was in love--what a sweetheart! I learned that the ladies were sisters, traveling in their RV to Washington-one lived there, the other had joined her for this adventure from her home in California. "I always wanted to go on one of my sister's RV trips, and it's such fun that I'm going to figure out how to do it myself, full-time!" I told them about our adventures and plans, agreeing wholeheartedly that RV life is wonderful. Finally it was time to continue my walk, but before I did I asked them if I could take a picture of Whiskey and they couldn't be happier to say yes! :) What a wonderful encounter. :) Today's Picture We've been lucky enough to stay at a bunch of coastal campgrounds but Harris Beach is one of the best for dramatic, huge rocks. This battalion of boulders leading out to the sea also features unique and interesting shapes along with lovely coloring. And…what's that? There is a fence there, meant to keep curious kids off this sensitive and dangerous area. (The fence is at the beach-side of the park's day use parking area and includes a sign that asks people not to climb there.) Do you see the OTHER fence? This aerie's nest location marks the top of Harris Beach's little butte. It includes a jaw-dropping view of the coastline for all who make their way up the energizing trail to the top! (see inset!) Today's Insets The first inset shows the amazing view from the top of Harris Butte, featuring Goat Island, the largest island off the Oregon Coast and an important bird sanctuary. Other insets from my adventures here include: • A picture of Whisky for you to see--such a beautiful, dear cat! • An inviting beach driftwood fire on its way out (though the people left and should have doused it completely!) • South Harris Beach at low tide (that triangular rock is surrounded by waves at high tide!) • A picture of Steve enjoying photography on North Harris Beach • Extreme wind one day blew the tops of waves into a mist, shown here against a boulder off the coast • I saw a number of beautiful Yellow Spotted Millipedes on the beach and couldn't help getting this view, with my phone, no less! Thank You For Stopping By! It's sure been wonderful to get your blush-worthy comments and happy remarks--this never fails to make me feel very honored and lucky to be part of such a warm community of friends. When Steve and I are away in our RV, our internet is so inconsistent that trying to visit everyone is a trial in frustration, so I gave up. That being said, it's hard to be away and so now that we're home I've really enjoyed catching up with everyone! Here's hoping you guys have a lovely weekend! Explored on 11/20/21; highest placement #8.

Morning Light at Harris Beach State Park (+5 inset…

12 Apr 2021 53 39 498
(+5 insets) (seeing larger is better!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written on the Road: Morning Light at Harris Beach State Park It's hard to beat that gorgeous golden glow from Magic Hour. It gets me up and out of the trailer in anticipation of marvelous oohs and ahhs as I walk along, discovering one lovely sight after another. I was heading towards the far end of the campground loops when I was stopped in my tracks by what I saw. Some folks had started a campfire and the smoke was drifting softly through the trees. The sun shone down through the branches and created those magical beams of light we all love so much. In front of me was the dappled shadows on the pavement and grass and the star of the show was a camper van tucked under a tree at the side of the magical beams of light. I thought to myself, "WOW! That looks like an ad for Reserve America Campgrounds!" What a beautiful sight! I stood and stared for a moment when I noticed a bit of movement next to the van. I'd missed spotting a picnic table there but now I could see a woman, bundled up and contentedly reading a book, puffs of chilly breath rising up around her. Normally I would pass by quietly so as to not disturb her reverie but this time I had to intrude. "Good morning!" I called, and stepped close enough that she could see me around the bushes obscuring the table and campsite. She looked up in surprise and said, "Oh! Good morning!" "I'm sorry to disturb you but if you enjoy taking pictures of your campsites, there is a very magical view here from where I'm standing. The sunlight is creating beautiful shafts of light which make your van and campsite look amazing!" She put her book down, stood and turned to smile in excitement. "YES! Oh, THANK YOU! I'll go get my camera!" She clapped her mitten-covered hands and rushed to get into her van. Grinning back at her I departed with, "ENJOY! And have a lovely day!" She called back, "YOU TOO!!" As I continued my walk I felt so happy that I was able to share that moment! Today's Picture My main image shows the photo I took on my walk that I described above. Sometimes everything is just right and you are lucky enough to have a camera with you to capture the magic moment! Today's Insets I'm also including another group of images showing some of the neat things I've found on my morning walk… * Another view of the rugged coast at one of the Sunset Trail's benches… * The gorgeous dappling on the trail that leads down to South Harris Beach… * A collage of bunny pictures that show the fluffy little friend who I frequented on that path down to South Harris Beach… * A man enjoying a walk on South Harris Beach with his two very boisterous buddies… * And finally, the silly face I spotted on a tree trunk along Sunset Trail! Thank You For Stopping By! It is very humbling to get so many kind remarks from all of you who take the time to visit my pictures! There's no feeling like the waves of joy I feel, knowing that I've accomplished my goal: to make people happy with a gift I am so fortunate to have. At the same time, it's a very powerful experience to visit all of the incredible photography that you all share with us here on ipernity. I'm so glad to be part of this community. You're my online family and I couldn't be luckier to be a part of this fine group! Hope all of you are doing well on "Hump Day"! :) Explored on 11/17/21; highest placement #1.

Happy Bench Monday from Loeb State Park (+6 insets…

14 Apr 2021 58 47 330
(+6 insets) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes From the Road: Exciting Times are Afoot! We Got Our First Vaccine Shot! The other morning Steve rushed into my room exclaiming, "I have some very important news!!" Holding his phone in front of me I read the headline: "Vaccine Now Available to All Oregon Residents Beginning April First." OMG! OMG OMG!! Steve and I immediately went to the registration site and were excited to learn that there was a vaccination event happening in three days, just an 8-minute's drive from Harris Beach State Park to Brookings! Furthermore, we were able to get appointments one after the other and in the late morning too. Huzzah! For the next couple of days we couldn't stop talking about our upcoming shots. Since vaccine research was first announced, I've kept tabs on developments but didn't fixate on them. Why work myself I into a lather every day? I watched the expanding distribution that began in December last year, and looked forward to the day we would finally qualify to get our first shots. In the end though, it was Steve who discovered we were eligible for our first shot! We arrived at the hospital early that day, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. It was a good thing because the paperwork took a while but soon we were sent back to a clinic room. We pulled our sleeves up and before we knew it, Steve and I were the very happy recipients of the Moderna version of the vaccine--as luck would have it, that was our preferred type! As I sit typing, it's the day after and I'm happy to report that neither of us have had any side effects whatsoever. I don't consider tenderness at the shot site a side-effect since that's a given whenever I get shots. I didn't sleep on my left side because the muscle is sore but that's normal. Steve only feels tenderness if he touches the spot where the needle went in. We don't expect any ill effects and feel great. We wonder if being on a keto lifestyle might have anything to do with lack of issues, though we do know that we've been extraordinarily healthy since we began this low-carb lifestyle years ago. We have appointments to return in a month, which will mean a four-hour drive each way to get from the campground we'll be at. We'd like to find somewhere closer but if we can't manage, we'll happily make the drive. The drive down and back up the rugged Oregon coast would be lovely so it's not something we'll worry about either way. :) I hope that folks are getting their vaccines too. In the end, even vaccinated there is a possibility of infection so we'll always need to be careful but what a relief it will be to have such great protection. (This post was originally written about April 10, 2021) Today's Picture Steve and I had such a great time on our hike to Loeb State Park! The trail was just the type we like, with plenty of elevation gain and loss, interesting curves in the trail, lots of variation in areas we walked through, including a lovely canopy of deciduous forest and traveling next to a river and various streams. I also loved the plants and flowers along the way. It really was such a pretty walk! At one point we found this old bench, made from logs, overtaken by moss and rotting away into nothing. I couldn't resist capturing this old relic and though it's not the greatest picture, I love the uniqueness of this hand-hewn place to sit, where one can look out at the pretty forest beyond and think about the good fortune of being there. Today's Insets The first picture would be perfect for Happy Fence Friday and shows an awe-struck view up a mossy-covered, boulder-strewn stream with a footbridge at the top and trees above. Steve and I couldn't get enough of this amazing spot and this is also my favorite picture of today's group! Other insets include the following: Logs beset by moss and shelf fungus, accented by dappled sunshine Another little stream waterfall A stream bed filled with boulders and accented by interesting branches to enjoy A lovely Wood Sorrel blossom sitting in its sea of leaves--any wonder why this is also called "False Clover"?! :) A vertical panorama featuring a dappled trail and the wonderful habitat we walked through Thank You For Stopping By! I've always have a great time romping about to see what each of you is up to. Such a wonderful way to get a fabulous world tour that includes photography of every sort, and many interesting things to read and think about. Hope you all have a lovely week ahead! :) Explored on 11/15/21; highest placement #1.

Gooseneck Barnacles at Harris Beach State Park (+5…

14 Apr 2021 51 43 585
(+5 insets) (Please view large!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written During our Trip: Houston, We Have a Problem!! Whenever you go on an adventure, it's best to go with the understanding that things are bound to go wrong at some point. After all, how can you possibly be prepared for stuff you aren't even aware of? We've learned that taking care of problems as they arise without getting freaked out is the best policy and this has made our lives so much happier when we're out on the road. Case in Point: Um, the TV Isn't Supposed to Look Like That… Every night, Steve and I curl up in bed with Pumpkin and watch an episode of a tv show or part of a movie. Pumpkin gets a chance to settle down, preen her feathers and cuddle with us before we tuck her into her sleeping tent. On our first night away from home at lovely Harris Beach, I was getting things put away in the kitchen when I heard Steve call from his bedroom, "Janet, we have a problem." I walked back to find out what was going on and he pointed at our tv screen on the wall. What I saw made me cringe. Instead of having a lovely image to look at, abstract rays of lines criss-crossed the screen, originating from a single impact point. Somehow in the midst of one of Steve's many projects around the trailer he must have smacked the screen with something pointed. We stared at the screen for a moment with rather amazed expressions on our faces. Just to put an obvious point on the situation, one of us said, "Well, that tv is toast." Thankfully, televisions don't cost much these days so it wouldn't be expensive to replace. The bigger problem was getting our hands on a new one. Given our location, this presented an issue because we were hours from a Costco (big warehouse store) or any place that might carry a tv that didn't break the bank. If you're thinking, "Big deal, just read a book!", that wasn't an option. Our nightly routine with Pumpkin is set in stone and something we can't just not do--she would never understand! For the time-being, setting up a laptop on the bed between us would suffice, so that's what we did. To our great relief, it worked out fine! Pumpkin was able to do her nightly preening and cuddling with us before settling down for bed, and we were able to watch a show like we normally do. An Unfortunate Situation Met with a Great Attitude! Before we watched our show though, we did some research online. We wondered how far Steve would have to go to find a store with a proper tv. Unfortunately, we determined with groans of unhappiness, that it would require a 2.5 hour drive all the way back to Medford. There just wasn't enough need for big stores that carried appliances on the Oregon coast. BUMMER. Instead of getting upset about this unforeseen catastrophe, Steve was good with it. Problems are bound to come up and the drive back is beautiful. Plus, if there were any items we forgot at home, he would swing by and pick them up. All good. What a trooper. The next day Steve departed after breakfast, leaving me at the trailer to hang out and be with Pumpkin. Calling with updates, I learned the drive was sunny and beautiful. Later, he arrived at Costco and found a very nice replacement for our tv that was the same size and cost less than the one we had! How nice that electronics prices are so much better these days--I still remember paying $800 for my first 30-inch television (more than twice the price of our new huge wall-mounted tv)! It was also nice that he could stop by the house because we'd forgotten our griddle (pancakes!!!) and a few other things. We could have lived without them but now we didn't have to…yay! It would be nearly 6pm before Steve pulled up at the trailer and he was absolutely done for after his adventure. Before we had dinner, Steve had the tv set up and it was perfect. Hooray! It's safe to say that we got to bed extra early and Steve slept in late the next morning! Today's Picture This is my second set of tide pool pictures and today's main image shows a cluster of goose-necked barnacles, retracted at low tide When the tide comes in they extend their long "goose neck" stalks which help them reach more food. Aren't they bizarre-looking?! I was really happy when I found this photogenic group. The angle and position was just right to get some background bokeh along with crisp details of these crazy barnacles! Did you know they are edible? In fact, these extremely expensive crustaceans are supposed to taste like a cross between lobsters and clams…YUMM!! Today's Insets I have some other neat pictures to share today, naturally! There's a really interesting translucent seaweed macro that almost looks like some strange creature. A cluster of Bay Mussels sitting on a rock encrusted with barnacles A pair of starfish in tones of red and purple. A marvelous still life featuring anemones, whelks, barnacles, limpets and a bit of kelp. Finally, another view of this incredible tidal zone, brimming with life and at the lowest tidal point. Thank You For Stopping By! It's wonderful to read your comments and find out what you liked the most. I am very touched and humbled because I find your photography so incredible! What fun to explore the world through each other's photos, to see through your eyes and to learn so many things we didn't know about. I hope your weekend has been wonderful! Enjoy the day/night/morning! :) Explored on 11/13/21; highest placement #2.

A Brilliant African Daisy from Harris Beach State…

10 Apr 2021 59 42 574
(+7 insets) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written During our Trip: What a Difference a Year Makes! When 2020 began, we'd just started to seriously plan our upcoming RV trip when Covid hit. We would eventually leave three months later and had a fabulous season of adventures. This year we didn't have to wait! And to make things easier the state park reservation system changed to allow bookings six months ahead and we jumped on the opportunity. It took hours that day but we locked in nearly 3.5 months of our season! From then on, we slowly prepared and began packing a few things. Steve worked on upgrade projects as weather permitted--it gets very cold here in the winter and our shop isn't heated so he worked on days that were warmer. Steve kept last year's preparations in mind and this year he didn't hurt himself just as we were about to leave. (He'd slipped off our ladder, landing on a knee and hurting it badly--it would be more than a month before he could really use it.) Both of us were very careful because we learned what a total bummer it was to be trailer-ridden and unable to hike, cycle or enjoy the beautiful setting we were in. We Could Hardly Wait to Leave on our Adventure! As April rounded the corner, we got increasingly excited because our first reservation would be on April 6 at a hugely popular campground we never thought we'd get into--Harris Beach State Park. Amazingly, we got a full two weeks at a perfect site for our large rig! Steve and I worked very hard all the way until the very moment we left and then it was showtime! Off and Away! On the morning we left, I walked down to the gate, opened it and waited for Steve to make his way through. As our rig passed by, I couldn't help but watch and think of the past fun we'd had in the last couple of years. This season we were set up for almost six months of camping! NO MORE WAITING! It was time to GO!!! I pulled the gate shut, locked it and trotted across the road to hop into our fabulous new truck. Steve and I shared a face-to-face grin and high-fived. LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!! What a Wonderful Drive! Driving out to the Oregon coast, we took a route that many RV and trailer owners have openly worried about online. The two-way road gets very narrow in places with some very tight curves combined with rocky walls encroaching on the road. Trees are reported to lean over the road with low-hanging branches that cause a real concern. However, we were happy to learn that the trees were gone and we had no problems with the curves or the rock walls, though we did go cautiously through those spots. We enjoyed a beautiful three-hour drive through redwoods, past verdant meadows and farmland, and finally we reached the gorgeous coast! All the while Steve and I chatted about our trip and Pumpkin supervised from her Lucite travel cage braced between my knees. Munching on her food and whistling joyfully, she couldn't be happier either----she adores travelling and camping too! Once we arrived at the campground, Steve had no problems backing into our site. We'd learned to check reserved sites online to make sure they would be easy to get into--we've had our share of stressful parking memories! Upon parking, we hopped out of our truck to congratulate each other with a big hug. Our happy Cheshire Cat smiles couldn't be bigger! Our very first site was HARRIS BEACH!!! YAHOO!!! What a way to start our 2021 camping trip! Today's Picture There seems to be no end to the gorgeous macro opportunities at Harris Beach State Park, and I found some lovely African Daisies planted in a landscaped area which were exploding in blooms of white and magenta. This flower was a perfect choice for a square-format close-up! Today's Insets I'm also including a macro that shows the heart of that flower with all of its beautiful details. Other insets include a Candy Flower with cool bokeh, a wide-format shot showing a wild cucumber tendril clinging to a thorny blackberry stem, a fuzzy wild cucumber blossom (they are perfectly smooth when viewed normally!), a pair of willow catkins, a crinkly thimbleberry blossom, and finally, an unfurling fern (Lady Fern?) Thank You For Stopping By! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed my classic car pictures posted a couple of days ago, that was such a treat! Have a great start to your weekend! Explored on 11/11/21; highest placement #1.

A Morgan Replica at Harris Beach State Park (+5 in…

10 Apr 2021 41 27 389
You Never Know When You'll See a Classic Car…Even if it's a Replica! My morning walk takes me on a complete tour of Harris Beach State Park, which makes it extremely satisfying. All-told, it's about 3 miles and has everything--the campground loops so I can peek in at the visitor vignettes as I walk by, there are many trails I traverse, I walk two beaches and I even get to the top of the park's small butte that overlooks the coast! I other words, it's a pretty darned awesome way to start the day! At one point I emerge from the campground's nature trail at a small parking area just above South Harris Beach. One day I crossed the road and spotted an old classic car parked in one of the spots. Hooray!! I don't know about you but every time I see an old car I get excited! AND, I just happened to have my Canon with me! I got a bunch of different angles as I moved around it, appreciating all of its interesting lines and details. I read the car's logo--Morgan--and was intrigued because I'd never heard of this kind of car. When I got home I looked it up and found out that Morgan cars have been around since 1905 and today they are in the business of recreating one of their older models with contemporary engines so people today can enjoy them without needing to be a professional classic car renovator. What a great idea! Imagine being able to own an old car with today's technology?! Today's Picture and Insets I thought this front view with some creative processing was the right choice for my main image, but I'm also including a 3/4 view and the company's cool logo. One of the other two insets is an ocean view from the Sunset Trail which runs parallel to the park's main road and there's also a trail shot to enjoy. The last image shows a man who was walking his dog, Toby. When I went down to South Harris Beach, I saw a fellow throwing a stick for his very happy, enthusiastic dog. It was great fun watching them enjoy the morning out on the sandy shore. After I left, I continued my walk back up to the road, along Sunset Trail and then down a zigzag trail leading to North Harris Beach. As I headed down to the beach, I ran into the man and his dog! They'd walked up South Beach, through the tide pool area and made their way to the trail I was on! We said hello, I got to pet Toby and I took this picture before we parted ways. Thank You For the Visits! I hope you're all having a good week! We had a power outage last night due to high winds in the area, but happily it was just a few seconds--thank goodness! Stay safe, dry and warm! Explored on 11/9/21; highest placement #6.

A Happy Starfish at Harris Beach Tide Pool! (+5 in…

14 Apr 2021 52 33 395
(+5 insets) Memories of Tide Pools as a Kid I remember when I was a kid, raised in San Francisco, and one day my elementary class went on a field trip to the beach where there were tide pools. I'll never forget the first time I saw a starfish clinging to the rocks, sea anemones, mussels and limpets. There were real crabs--Dungeness and hermit--scrabbling around too! It was incredible to me and I hoped to visit more tide pools whenever I could! What I didn't know is that those were the very last tide pools on San Francisco beaches. The next time I went to visit the same area, the tide pools were gone. The only thing that remained were bleached limpet shells and some remaining but empty mussels. What a shock to my pre-teen eyes to be faced with the reality of over-visitation and pollution on a delicate biome. There are still plenty of fantastic tide pools to explore near San Francisco but as far as I know, the tide pools never made a comeback. Harris Beach has Tide Pools! I was really excited when I read about this popular state park and learned about one of its popular features: tide pools! Between this park's south and north beaches is an area at the water's edge littered with tightly packed rocks and boulders of all sizes. When the tide is out, careful visitors can discover the incredible diversity of life that makes its home there. One day I made sure to time my visit so I'd have plenty of time exploring the pools without worrying about waves catching me while I was taking pictures. I was immediately transported back to myself as a child, exploring with rapt joy and discovering the special plants and animals that made their home there. One thing I love to do is find a perfect pool, freeze and wait. After a few minutes, the seemingly empty pool wakes up and out come different species of crabs and other life forms, crawling around and looking for food. What fun! Today's Picture Who doesn't love a star fish? I was so excited when I found this perfectly-shaped Sea Star in a place where I could get a nice picture. I think it looks very happy to see me, don't you?! I'm lucky to see it too, because in 2014, a horrible wasting disease hit the west coast of North America and killed off millions of starfish between Alaska and Mexico. Recovery has been slow in many areas but some places, like Harris Beach, have sprung back in a wonderful way! I had no idea about this tragedy and I'm so happy I got to see some beautiful star fish on my visit to the tide pools on Harris Beach! (For more information, please visit this link: www.nps.gov/im/swan/ssws.htm ) Today's Insets I'm including a really cool find--a group of sea stars partially buried by sand, right where the waves were lapping. I'm also including a picture of barnacles with barnacle bokeh, an image of striped Shield Limpets with barnacles and a bit of kelp, a photo that shows a pair of closed-up anemones and Northern Stiped Dogwinkles and finally, a picture of the tide pool area! I have gotten so many countless pictures of the treasures there, I could spend weeks sharing my discoveries! I'll be posting another set in the coming Harris Beach report, maybe more! Thank You For Stopping By! While Steve and I were away on our trip, internet was often not available and it was frustrating that I couldn't make my rounds to say hello. So I've really been enjoying myself as I hop from one stream to another, reacquainting myself with all of your wonderful photography and chatting happily back and forth! Thanks so much for coming by and leaving comments and stars! It totally makes my day. I hope that each of you has a wonderful new week as we march into November! Explored on 11/8/21; highest placement #4.

Happy Fence Friday from Loeb State Park near Harri…

14 Apr 2021 41 33 354
(+5 insets) Thank Goodness For Photography!!! Since today is Happy Fence Friday (hooray!), I must add my contribution, as I am a total junky for this crazy day too (I remember when I first encountered pictures labeled with "HFF" and was like…what is the DEAL with FENCES? Why is this even a thing?! Little did I know the insanity that would eventually come over me every time I find a cool fence or bridge or whatever might be acceptable for this day.)! Looking for a proper HFF contribution, I peeked in my finished pictures folder for our first campground stop at Harris Beach State Park and lo' and behold, discovered another folder inside. It was for a nearby place called Loeb State Park, and when I looked inside and found three pictures, one of which was this bridge shot. I could just barely remember this area. I looked at my trip notes…nothing. I guess I hadn't gotten around to mentioning our hike that day. Shucks. I went back to digging for clues. I went over to my folder of unfinished pictures for this place and it started to become clear. I oriented myself with a look at Google Maps, and suddenly, it all came back with a rush of memories. THIS PLACE!!! OH YEAH!!! I REMEMBER! WHAT A DAY! :D Scrolling through the pictures, I smiled and sighed in joy, stepping back in time to the beautiful trail we walked, the little waterfalls, the river, the flowers, the glow of springtime taking over…how lucky we were! I can't help but stop and think about the reality: if I hadn't taken all of these pictures, I'd have totally forgotten about this beautiful hike we took back in April. So much has happened since the beginning of our trip! There really isn't any way to keep it all straight except to take pictures and write down my impressions. I have tried to keep up with trip notes but it takes time, energy and a well of creativity to spend time writing. I don't always do it. But with the pictures, my memories are preserved and take me back to where I was. I say it again: THANK GOODNESS FOR PHOTOGRAPHY! (And Jenny, I'm thinking about you too--we've had conversations about the bad idea of travelling without recording the adventure in any way, just hoping the memories will be there. They probably won't! Here's the proof!) Today's Picture Loeb State Park has a small, primitive campground (no power or electricity) for tent campers and small trailers. What a special place to stay, it's just beautiful! The park also has a gorgeous trail which takes hikers along the Chetco River, past small waterfalls and through a gorgeous forest complete with dappled sunlight filtering down through the trees. This bridge was in a perfect spot for a cool picture and Steve and I had a great time playing with different angles and getting panoramas with our phone cameras too. It's wonderful to have an excuse to take pictures of fences and bridges because they really are neat, aren't they? Today's Insets I have so many pictures to share, but five insets will be perfect for today! You'll see the magnificent Chetco River and one of the many streams that had cascading waterfalls. A dappled trail picture is mandatory too! I have a view up through the trees to the blue sky peeking through and finally, a stunning white trillium blossom which looks ready for a wedding! Thank You For the Visits and Amazing Comments! I hope you're all having a wonderful start of your week. I want to tell you all how much your comments have meant to me--you've totally made my day with the things you've said! I'm totally glowing and truly delighted that I can make you guys happy with the images I've been sharing. :) Also, it's been such FUN to go around and visit! What a massive talent ipernity has! What a fine community…and what a lovely group of friends I have in you all. Have a super week and keep staying safe if you can!

Curly Fronds at Harris Beach State Park (+5 insets…

10 Apr 2021 72 42 542
(+5 insets) (clicking on this picture is recommended! :D) Lovely Walks at Harris Beach State Park My morning routine is to get up, shower, have my coffee and vitamin mix, and pop out the door for a walk which is ideally three miles or longer. Yet another reason this park is so perfect is that I designed a walk which is 3.5 miles and full of plenty of cardio, along with jaw-dropping scenery. I almost always take my phone with me, but sometimes I bring my Canon with 100mm 2.8L lens for some macro fun, and other times I bring my Sony bridge camera for zooming in on wildlife or fun activities that I find along the way. Today's Picture This lovely unfurling fern was just one of the masses of glowing spring growth that I saw everywhere on my walks. It's November as I post this, but it was the beginning of April when we started our trip and I really enjoyed seeing what budding springtime was like out on the coast. Today's Insets I got so many wonderful pictures with all three of my cameras while we were here! Today's handful of insets include a lovely mushroom, a pair of colorful ivy leaves, a playful collage showing a Mountain Chickadee, a bunny that I saw many times on my walks, and finally, a weathered whale skull mounted on a stand visible along one of the campground loops. Thank You For the Visits and Welcoming Home! I hope everyone is doing well! I have really enjoyed your visits and comments, and I'm making my rounds as time permits. Wow, it's so nice to be back!! I'm going to try to post every couple of days so I can get more pictures posted…there are so many that I've processed, and so so so many that are waiting for my attention! I hope I'll be able to share lots and lots, and I hope also to catch up with everyone too! Explored on 11/3/21; highest placement #1.

Happy Bench Monday from Harris Beach! We're BACK!!…

16 Apr 2021 44 37 368
(+6 insets) We've Finally Arrived Back at Our House! We're home from our RV trip, safe and sound! It's been nearly two weeks since we arrived, and boy, does it take time to readjust to living in a house that doesn't move. I know that my silence has caused some concern and I'm sorry for not posting sooner...all is well! Our 2021 Adventure--Six Months on the Road! This trip was our longest yet--we left on April 6, returned for 18 days at the beginning of July, and then headed out until October 19. We rolled the dice when we made all of our reservations and stayed out as late as we thought the weather would hold. Somehow we got incredibly lucky and managed to get a pair of six's! Literally the very next day a storm rolled through our area, making the gravel road up to our house soggy and the area we maneuver the truck and trailer totally muddy with sticky clay. Since then it's been stormy off and on and we can't stop giggling at our good fortune. WHAT A TRIP! WHAT ADVENTURES! What an enormous glut of photos!! 321 GIGS of photos, AHHHHHHHHH!!! How in the world did I amass THAT MUCH data?!! Suffice to say, I took a lot of pictures, WOW! Honestly, until I looked just now, I really had no idea the glut of images I'd gathered throughout our trip. Well, I think I did a good job documenting each place we visited. The entire trip took us to 20 destinations in Oregon--some of which we would visit twice during our trip. Once again we didn't get to the far-eastern areas of the state, but visited many spots in central and coastal Oregon we'd not seen before. We started our trip with a new truck to go with our year-old trailer. We had to admit that our previous truck wasn't quite up to the task of pulling our rig up sizable grades and that meant biting the bullet and moving up to a newer, more powerful Chevy. It did the trick and in so doing, completely removed the anxiety and worry we'd had with our excellent, but not powerful-enough Dodge. We also got fully-vaccinated during the trip, what a relief! The second wave of the virus, thanks to Delta, caused enough concern that we returned to wearing masks when out in public areas, but all-in-all, we are so much more confident and less anxious than we were. This trip was such an incredible experience and we are so fortunate that we could manage to go for such a long time! I know I won't be able to process all of the cool things I photographed but I will do my best to share the gist of our adventures as time goes on! Today's Pictures Seeing as it's Monday, why don't we start with a bench picture for Happy Bench Monday? I'm only going to post a couple of pictures today but I've got to start somewhere so here we go! :) This inviting bench can be found along the Sunset Trail at Harris Beach State Park, and I can testify that it is, indeed, a great spot to sit as the sun sinks into the sea off the rugged coast of coastal Oregon. By the way, if you'd like to see some other pictures I took, posted back when we started our trip, you can visit either of thes links: Sunset at Harris Beach State Park Rock-Strewn North Harris Beach Today's Insets Harris Beach State Park is hugely popular for a good reason. There are incredible beach walks adorned by massive boulders and tidal pools, lovely trails that take you from one end of the park to the other, and there's even a little butte to hike up to for an unbelievable view far up and down the coast. I'm including a couple of beach pictures to enjoy, but I'm also including map graphics that show the stops we made on both of our trips this year. Thanks for your visits and the letters you wrote to make sure I was ok! I'm going to visit everyone as time permits…I've missed you all so much! I hope you've all been ok while we've been out of touch! Explored on 11/1/21; highest placement #4.

HFF from LL Stub Stewart State Park!

25 Aug 2021 68 53 508
(please view large for the pretty details!) Hello everyone! I'm so sorry to be out of touch--we've had literally weeks and weeks of zero internet on this second part of our trip! In fact, we had to drive our truck for miles just to get a signal. Finally we're back to better data connections and since today's Friday, I thought the picture I took a couple of days ago would be perfect! :D One of our favorite parks, LL Stub Stewart, has a maze of wonderful trails and this one, the "Timber Beast Trail" wanders through forest and then down through a steep ravine, where it crosses over this marvelous little bridge before ending at the area's famous and popular rails-to-trails Banks-Vernonia bikeway. (Looks like my phone geo-tagged this image so you can see by clicking on the map link to the right "Location: View on map) exactly where I took this shot! You'll also be able to see all of the wonderful trails we get to explore on foot or bike! :D) I hope everyone is doing well! I'm sorry to hear that Delta has returned us all to quarantines and wearing masks...once again, the United States is leading the way to stupid behavior and outrageous infection numbers. Ugh. Have a wonderful weekend! I'm hoping to visit some photo streams if I can! Explored on 8/28/21; highest placement #1.

Bike Path at Joseph Stewart State Park (+many inse…

22 Jun 2021 43 27 627
(+many insets!) Steve and I weren't looking forward to it but the morning finally came after ten glorious days at LaPine when we packed up and moved on. I soaked up every sight and sound on my walk that morning, oh, how I love that beautiful park! We couldn't go directly to our final campground and instead drove less than two hours south to the privately owned Crater Lake Resort. What a pleasant surprise! It was very spacious for a owner-run park and the park was filled with trees--not at all like the usual parking lot that we usually see at these places. But it gets even better! Right on the Rogue River Trail! There is a connecting trail from the park that leads to the Rogue River Trail, which is a 37.5-mile trek which is very popular with backpackers and hikers alike. Steve and I have been on sections of this trail through the years and it's a total winner, so I was totally delighted to discover that our campground was virtually right on top of it! (By the way, I found a really neat pdf that shows the trail and all the highlights along the way. I also found a page that talks about the trail and has some nice pictures as well.) The afternoon we arrived, Steve and I enjoyed an hour's walk along the river and though we were sad that we were only able to stay here for a single night here, we were really happy we got to walk along the Rogue on a travel day! Before we left the next morning, I spent a lovely hour speeding at a fast clip along the trail so I could see more than I did the afternoon before. I had time for a few pictures too and have included the ones I processed as insets. Wonderful Joseph Stewart State Park The distance from Crater Lake RV Resort and Joseph Stewart is literally twenty minutes so we were parked and set up in no time! This park holds a warm place in our hearts. Located a mere 45 minutes from our home, it's the second place we went to when we first started our RV adventures back in 2019! We've been all over Oregon since, and to Canada's Vancouver Island too! When we got our current trailer (our second), we took it to Joseph Stewart for a 3-day stay to test out our new rig in a campground setting. In both cases we'd only gotten to stay for two or three days so having five nights/six days was a real treat. All of the campground loops are huge and spacious and there are enormous meadows everywhere, dotted with conifers and maple trees. We love the wonderful bike path which goes around a deep forest loop and--if you've got the energy for the return trip--down a long, lovely path to the boat launch and day-use picnic ground. There is a marvelous trail that overlooks Lost Creek Lake too, and strolling around the campground loops is fun as well. It's just a super place! The bummer was that on the day we arrived, a heat wave descended on the west coast. The temperature soared to well over 100 degrees and we were stuck inside during the day where we could keep cool. I got my morning bike ride and walk in as early as possible and still, by 8:30am it was already heading to 80 degrees! UGH! Today's Picture My main picture today shows the gorgeous, huge meadow next to the bike path with a lovely group of oak and maple trees that tower above. Today's Insets I'm sharing a pair from my walk on the Rogue River Trail that include one from the trail and a pair of images of some of the pretty foliage I found. From Joseph Stewart I'm sharing a very wide pano of the lake and some of the beautiful things I saw on my walks! I hope everyone is doing ok! It's very smoky here from wildfires in the area and hot too. Ugh! But we're off on our trip very soon now, just buttoning up last things and getting our live-in buddy moved back in again while we're away! Explored on 7/13/21; highest placement #8.

Magnificent Deschutes River at LaPine State Park (…

12 Jun 2021 49 28 430
(+3 insets) (This is another jaw-dropping pano best seen at full size! It's worth it! :D) Off and away to LaPine State Park! After our fantastic stay at The Cove Palisades, we made a bee-line for one of our favorite destinations--LaPine State Park! You wouldn't think that a high-desert location would be so wonderful--after all, the plant life is pretty monotonous, mostly a seemingly endless conifer forest and drought-tolerant bushes--but the forest is breathtaking just the same, and there's a pair of gorgeous rivers to fawn over and the wildlife is a joy to encounter too. The highlight for us are the fantastic assortment of wonderful trails that ring the park and take adventurers past this park's finest qualities. Miles of lovely scenery, riverside views, and a blissful area to explore which never gets old. Wonderful Trails for Walking In the mornings I enjoy walking on miles of trails that include so many highlights of the park. Along the way I pause here and there to breathe in the rich scent of warming sap and appreciate the golden light, dappled shadows and twinkling reflections on the Deschutes River. I relish the sounds of birds who've started their day, calling back and forth, and it's a fun game to count how many species I can distinguish. The commentary from squirrels and chipmunks always elicits a snicker and a grin as I listen gleefully--usually arguments about pine nuts or the outrage of seeing me in their forest--how rude of me to be there! Now LEAVE! Ha! Watching the sun peek over ridgelines at the river's edge, I pause to listen to the powerful rush of water passing by a clog of tree limbs caught along the bank. There are endless things I get to appreciate on each relished morning walk, what a joy. Incredible Trails for Mountain Bike Riding Of all the state parks we've been to, mountain bike riding on the trails at LaPine is one of our two favorite spots. We worked out a string of trails which loops the whole park, goes along both of the park's rivers and shows off the best of LaPine's high-desert beauty. The ride, which takes about one and a half hours, is like the very best amusement park ride in the world but it's on a bike and you're in control! The paths weave in and out of the trees, sometimes going around massive fallen conifers or negotiating between perfectly-spaced trunks. The mostly single-wide trail zips along the rivers where the water may be rushing down a narrow place or lazily rounding a serpentine turn where the river slows. I feel like I'm on a flat rollercoaster ride sometimes, the way the path races around sweeping turns and then up and down over hills and around through the forest! By the time Steve and I slow to a stop at our campsite, we're exhilarated, exercised, and beaming with happiness--what a ride!! This is something we try to do as many days on our trip as we can fit in because it's just the best! Today's Picture My main picture is a panorama of one of Deschutes River's breathtaking serpentine turns. Every morning I would come to this spot and stare in amazement. It's called McGregor's Memorial Viewpoint, granted to a fellow who spent his older years promoting Oregon's natural resources. (If you'd like to see the memorial plaque, a newspaper article, and many pictures of this gorgeous spot by another fan, please visit this page: Donald McGregor Memorial Viewpoint ) Today's Insets: Inset One: The first day we rode the entire 10+ mile loop, we made sure to ride our bikes a few minutes from the trail over to the popular fly-fishing spot on the Fall River to gaze at its beauty. I parked my bike and then realized it would make a really neat shot, so here you go! When it's busy here, there can be a dozen fly-fishermen casting again and again into the 1-2-foot deep water. Last year when we discovered this cool place, there were so many rainbow trout in the water that you could see them clearly as they swam in place, waiting for goodies to float downstream to their waiting maws! Inset Two: Another favorite part of my morning walk is about half a mile from our campsite at a place I call "the corner of the river." Here the Deschutes River makes an abrupt turn around a point and when you step out to the end of it, the upstream view I'm sharing is what I would see each day. Isn't it spectacular? And do you see the log in front that leads into the water? I called it "The Bouncing Log", because, believe it or not, it truly did! The current is strong enough that it makes the log move and I even I made a video of this because in all my days, I've never seen anything like this! (I'll upload the video when I can and will let you know when it's available to watch) Inset Three: This collage features pictures that are not crisp but instead show images of a bird that I've always wanted to see--a kingfisher! I was walking up to the "corner of the river" when I heard a loud splash. Turning to see what it might be, I immediately crossed my fingers because it didn't sound like a fish jumping, nor a rock being tossed into the current. A blur of movement and--SQUEEEEE!!!!--I saw a bird flying low over the water to land on a branch next to the bank. Too far for me to see with my eyes, I fired up my Sony and zoomed to 600mm, targeting the little blob I saw. A KINGFISHER!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I had just enough time for several pictures before it flew off and away to another fishing spot but I did get a few! I was amazed that the shots were at least fair since they were so far away. But this meant I could only share them as a collage, was actually just what I wanted! :) No prizes for quality but I can't help but share my bucket list birdy! :) Hope everyone is doing well! It's starting to get hot again around here and the wildfires are raising their blazing heads again, but let's cross our fingers that we'll have a safer summer this year! Explored on 7/09/21; highest placement #14.

The Cove Palisades and Lake Billy Chinook Panorama…

06 Jun 2021 55 36 389
(+4 insets) (please view large--the main image is really incredible!) An Update, Finally! And It's a War & Peace Doorstop…Big Surprise! :D My apologies for the long absence! The last couple of places we stayed had very little or zero internet so posting wasn't really an option. Steve and I got home from the first part of our trip last week and are working on some upgrades and so forth before we head out again. Let's See Now…Where Were We When I Last Left Off?! Oh yes…Silver Falls…what a place! So much to love and somethings not so nice but not enough that we wouldn't want to spent a lot more time there! After Silver Falls we headed out to a place we'd visited a couple of seasons before, The Cove Palisades State Park, on lovely Billy Chinook Lake. We weren't able to get a reservation for the first night after Silver Falls and stayed at a place called Deschutes Expo RV Campground for one night. It turned out to be really nice even though it was essentially a parking lot. Neat and tidy with plenty of room for our rig, Steve and really enjoyed walking around and checking out all of the RVs and motor homes docked there with us. Maybe it was the ease of parking and long spaces available, but that place attracted the largest concentration of fancy rigs and motorhomes that we'd ever encountered outside of an RV showroom. Walking around and gawking in exclamation, it was a surprise to see some truly high-falutin' rigs there, with dozens of gleaming motorhomes that easily cost $200 and even $300k+. There were some very opulent 5th wheel trailers there too, which had to cost $100k or more. WOW! We felt bad for the older camper vans and bumper-pull trailers we saw here and there…they must have wanted to disappear into the woodwork. After a night there at Deschutes, we were quickly on our way since we barely set anything up for the overnight stay. Then it was just short drive before we were winding our way down into the amazing and picturesque canyon that led to our campground, oh boy! Gorgeous Lake Billy Chinook, Where Desert Canyon and Water Collide! This state park is located in a very hot and dry area of Oregon, hidden in a huge canyon nestled in lovely farmland that stretches for miles in every direction. We have been here once--almost exactly two years ago--and were stunned by the beauty of this canyon's deeply striated walls and marvelous rock formations. As well, the lake is vast and beautiful--and it's also where Steve caught his first fish! Heat Waves are Hot! Back when we put the first part of our trip together, we made reservations with crossed fingers for reasonable temperatures. When I did some research on historical data, I noticed that the range varies drastically from year to year and all it takes is a few days closer to the hottest part of the year to become totally miserable. Our visit in 2019 was two weeks later than this year and it was pretty bad, so we hoped it would be better two weeks earlier. Nope. We arrived on a comfortable day but we braced ourselves for what would be coming our way. Weather reports warned that Northern California and Oregon would be hit by an early heat wave which could deliver several days of 100 degrees or more. *moan* So, for the next week the thermometer ratcheted up and up and kept us inside once the heat took over by late morning. By the book, we saw highs of 95, 100, and 105…and then 100, 90, and back down to reasonable. The Garbage Drop-Off Was Wafting Stink at its Finest! Let me just say this: visiting the trash compactor one hot evening to donate our chicken and fish carcasses was simply incredible. I thought I'd prepared myself by not breathing through my nose--I knew what to expect. But every step closer was like passing through an invisible WALL of STENCH that curled my hair! In fact, it rivaled the 20-foot high mounds of oyster shells I took pictures of on Vancouver Island. Wait. No. Nothing comes remotely close to those oyster shells--how disrespectful of me to compare! It was really awful though, trust me. Not on the Recommended Experiences list. The Cove Palisades is Best Enjoyed First Thing in the Morning You may know that I go for walks every morning just as soon as I've showered and had my coffee and "Witch's Brew" spirulina-kelp-etc. drink and supplements. It's the perfect way to say hello to the day and appreciate the wonderful place we're visiting. Ideally, I aim for 3 miles and I try to get at least an hour's walk in but sometimes it's 45-minutes or less because of weather or limited interest. In my book, the longer the better! The marvelous 4.5-mile hike that I worked out at The Cove Palisades was just fantastic and something I looked forward to each morning. It took me down to the lake and along its edge, past the day-use picnic areas and along its meandering trails that overlook the lake and park. What a fantastic way to take in the views and enjoy all of its finest details! On my way back I walked around another campground loop and enjoyed plenty of camping family vignettes too. What a joy. By the time I got back to the trailer the day was already warming up but I'd gotten out and had a super time before it got too hot! Today's Pictures The main picture today shows magnificent Billy Chinook Lake and the awesome Cove Palisades canyon. It was taken at the top of the area's well-known Tamalau Trail, infamously hot and dangerous for those who don't pack plenty of water. We went on a surprisingly comfortable day and enjoyed the incredible views along the 7-mile trek. Today's Insets Inset One: this is a dramatic view of one of the two bridges that crosses the lake from the outer to inner canyon. Inset Two: This panorama shows a patch of irrigated farmland surrounded by harsh desert and scrub brush which sit at the edge of The Cove Palisades. Although you can't see the winding road down into the canyon, you can follow it along to where it crosses over the bridge on the far right side. (The road on the right foreground heads to--and past--the campground we stayed at. You can also see the boats enjoying the lovely day too--no wonder it's such a popular destination for water-loving fans! Inset Three: Walking along the edge of the canyon overlooking the water, Steve and I heard the sound of motorcycles and were able to follow the travels of this group of touring riders as the headed into the canyon and along the road which hugs the lake. They got stuck behind a car which, typically, did not pull over to let them pass. It's amazing how rude, selfish, and/or oblivious so many drivers are! Inset Four: When Steve and were here in 2019, I was tickled that my Sony's 600mm lens was able to capture our truck and trailer in camp. I found our truck and trailer this time too, and though it was trying to hide, I got a picture to share! Thank You! I appreciate all of your visits and comments and hope everyone is doing well these days. It's so nice to be fully vaccinated and I hope all of you are as well. What a relief not to worry about our safety--even though it's not 100%--now Steve and I can encounter people, go shopping, and enjoy life almost the same as before! Take care and enjoy your summer days! I'll be posting again in a couple of days, hopefully! Explored on 7/06/21; highest placement #1.

Breathtaking Spencer Creek at Beverly Beach State…

12 May 2021 50 29 516
(+4 insets) No Internet For Weeks But We're Doing Great! Steve and I have been having a lovely trip! So many adventures!! However, our connection to the internet has been on and off so I haven't been able to keep my posting up. And of course, sometimes we've had a connection and I just haven't been in the right state of mind to put up pictures and trip notes. However, for the past couple of weeks we've been in an actual canyon with zero phone or internet service--the only way to get data is to drive miles out to the canyon's edge! We finally left that black hole of connectivity a few days ago and are at one of our favorite campsites, Lapine State Park! After my last post showing the awesome Harris Beach State Park, we travelled north to Beverly Beach, a place we'd never visit before. WHAT AN EDEN! So GREEN! So VERDANT! So GLOWING! A totally magical place that we absolutely adored. I lost my mind taking pictures--what a spectacular place for normal, vista, panorama and macro photography! I've only processed a tiny fraction of the billions of winner shots I managed to capture, but here are a few to give you an idea of this marvelous Oregon coast gem. Today's Pictures My main picture today shows Spencer Creek in dappled light. This creek meanders through the campground and eventually empties out into the ocean. There is a truly magical footpath just five minutes from our RV that skirts one edge of the creek, crosses a wonderful little bridge and then leads back down along the creek nearly to the ocean. This trail is so green and beautiful that you cannot help but ooh and ahh in amazement! Dotted with wildflowers and edged with countless ferns, horsetails and skunk cabbage, looking up further dazzles with the glowing green coins of translucent leaves from the canopy above. This path leads out to a road near the beach and a few minutes' walk will have you walking under the Highway 101 bridge and staring at the ocean beyond. Then, after a jaunt around the edge of one of the park's many loops, the other side of the park's nature loop trail pulls you back into the deep shade of the conifer forest, your footsteps silent on the thick bed of pine needles which carpet the trail. The path leads past a brilliant opening to the park's lovely green bog, a spot I stopped to appreciate every day of our stay. Finally, the path leads out to a park loop and then tucks back onto a path that leads back to the Spencer Creek trail. What a loop. What a place! My heart is all a-flutter when I think about beautiful Beverly Beach State Park! Today's Inset Pictures Inset one shows the coast looking north from Beverly Beach. We had a lot of wind, rain, and unfortunate weather while we were there, so cold I couldn't bear the chill on the beach. But one day the weather was simply fabulous and I got some really wonderful pictures, including this one! Inset two is a view of the Highway 101 bridge from the beach--I just loved the shape of it! The black and white format suited the mist-filled, cloudy day. Inset three shows the dazzling green of the bog which I couldn't get enough of! Inset four is just one example of the amazing trees found at Beverly Beach. This one is growing out of a stump, its roots stretching down to the ground. Eventually the stump rots away, leaving the roots which look just like a natural cage! Incredible! I hope everyone is doing well! We are fully vaccinated now and couldn't be happier! By the way, I did want to send my good vibes to someone who isn't so fortunate--one of our community, Andy Rodker, has been fighting a dire battle against Covid since April and I am hoping every day that he gets better. You can read more and contribute to our photo group here: Pictures for Andy Explored on 6/13/21; highest placement #4.

Cleawox Lake and Sand Dune at Honeyman State Park…

28 Apr 2021 49 26 464
(+3 insets)(view large to really enjoy the scene!) Time To Head Up the Road to Honeyman! Time flies and after a fantastic week-long stay at Tugman State Park, we packed up and moved a short 30-minute drive up the coast to Honeyman State Park. We have driven past this park several times in the past couple of years but didn't have the chance to stay here until now. Since Tugman State Park is so close to Honeyman, we drove through the campground last year to check it out. WOW! So huge! Eight loops brimming with over 400 well-spaced sites nestled in a lovely forest, and just next to the Oregon Dunes! We really wanted to stay here, so when it came time to book our 2021 trip, we made sure to secure a spot. You can imagine how happy we were to get a full two weeks in the site that was perfect for us! Hooray! Today's Picture Honeyman is a short walk from several lakes, including beautiful Cleowox Lake. On our first morning here, I popped out of bed and hot-footed through the entire length of the campground--a 10-minute walk. Then I went along a nature trail that passed tiny Lily Lake (a large pond) and popped out at the edge of Cleowox Lake. The sun was shining brightly as I walked out onto their floating dock and the view out there totally took my breath away. The main picture today is a panorama which shows the lake where one of the dunes reaches the lake. We can't get over the combination of dune + water feature! (The Skeleton Coast of Namibia is totally on my bucket list!) Today's Insets The first inset shows the mist rising up off the lake in the other direction, the sun's rays shining down and creating cool lens effects. I'm also sharing a picture of glowing moss and leaves along the trail out to Cleowox Lake. Finally, morning sunlight filtering through another tree and casting beautiful shadows on the pavement just couldn't be ignored! I hope you are all having a wonderful week! Explored on 4/30/21; highest placement #21.

Rough-skinned Newt at Tugman State Park (+6 insets…

25 Apr 2021 46 26 468
(+6 insets!) (The larger size shows the wonderful texture!) This is such a wonderful park. We've been here twice now, and after this 5-night visit, we'll be back again in a couple of months, to meet up with Steve's sister and sons for a multi-campground shared adventure! We love Tugman's beautiful Eel Lake and the short and long trails that skirt part of its edge. We love the glowing-green moss and fern-filled forest. We love the birds and squirrels we are privileged to see. We love the peace and serenity of this gem. And we also love that the campers here share the reverie of this area too. It's just super. A couple of days ago, Steve and I hiked the long, 6-mile trail around part of Eel Lake's northeastern edge. We stopped at the 2.5-mile point where trail maintenance ended and sloppy trails and slimy logs crossing streams took over. We'd been to the end last trip and didn't need to risk slipping and falling just to say we did it again. On the way to the turn-around point I was delightfully surprised to find a little newt moving slowly across the trail in front of me. Cooing in joy, I pointed it out to Steve as I passed by, and promptly found another one. We watched the trail carefully to make sure we didn't accidentally step on one. They were very hard to see unless moving but happily we spotted several more and moved past them safely. On the way back, Steve took the lead and watched his step like a hawk. "Oh! I found one!" Moving into the moss at the side of the trail, we watched the cutie-pie climb into the forest of greenery. I grabbed my camera and took pictures with the hopes my flash wouldn't bother it too much. Crossing my fingers, I looked forward to checking my pictures when we got back. I didn't expect anything but a blur when I loaded my images on my computer, so when my main picture today came up, I lit the room with my beaming smile! JACKPOT!!! :D Today's Insets Inset #1: The American Robins run around in the big park meadow like a determined army, run-stomping their way in starts and stops, plucking out worms and insects as they go. I got lots of total winner shots, and this one was a favorite! Inset #2 and #3: There are lots and lots of Side-Band Snails adorning the trail here and there, especially in the morning. I have a couple of pictures that turned out well. Inset #4: At the end of the short path is a wonderful old hand-hewn bench that makes for a cool but awkward place to sit. So they added a new bench last year which sits further back and is much more comfortable. I noticed that someone thought it would be cool to carve their initials into it, and before I began ranting about defacing property I noticed that the initials were our own! I promise we didn't carve our initials there!!! :D Inset #5: This lovely tree trunk is a favorite that I appreciate every time I pass by…I'm adding the other picture I took from last year too. :) I hope everyone is doing super--and thank you so much for your lovely visits and comments!! Explored on 4/28/21; highest placement #7.

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