William Sutherland's photos

Never Again! again :(

08 Oct 2023 58 65 317
Dalle-2 Generated Image to capture Israel's "9/11." Despite this genocidal abomination and the darkness of the moment, " The evil have no future. " [Proverbs 24:20] My deepest condolences and sympathies go to Israel and the Jewish diaspora. Finally, it is our generation's moment to unequivocally support Israel during her time of need especially for those of us who have said we would have opposed Hitler during the Holocaust but hadn't been born during that time to ensure " Never again! " doesn't re-occur again and again and again. stories.bringthemhomenow.net www.kidnappedfromisrael.com

Urban Love

17 Sep 2023 61 43 276
Mamaroneck, NY

Marine Litter and Graffiti

12 Sep 2023 51 34 235
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY

Spotted Lanternfly 斑点灯笼蝇

25 Aug 2023 69 69 270
Mamaroneck, NY -- 19 August 2023; Ward Acres, New Rochelle, NY -- 25 August 2023 Cartoon Image created in DALL·E 2 "[T] he... strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." – H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) Irrational paranoia directed at only one species is counterproductive. They don't bite, don't transmit diseases (e.g. Lyme, Malaria, West Nile, etc.) and are actually quite friendly. The Spotted Lanterfly (斑点灯笼蝇) arrived to the United States in 2012 from China after imported stoned included eggs. The first sighting of an adult spotted lanternfly was in Pennsylvania in 2014. This year, lower Westchester and parts of New York City have become a sort of epicenter for the spotted lanternfly. As spotted lanternflies are relatively new to the United States, the fear is palpable! While futile efforts are being made to eradicate them through spraying (that will also poison other creatures in the ecosystem) and "kill on sight" orders -- the fact is they have become endemic and American society will have to learn to live with them. As long as they exist in manageable numbers, grape crops and trees should be okay. Their favorite trees are the "Tree of Heaven" and "Sumac," with the latter being an invasive species. Perhaps the spotted lanternfly is performing a beneficial service (natural eco-management) with regard to the "Sumac" tree. Also, aside from grape plants, they don't appear to eat the plants or fruits and vegetables of other crops! As a recommendation, grape farmers might consider covering their plants in netting to protect them especially since such a step would be more ecologically friendly. At the same time, perhaps with research we can develop a sort of natural birth control mechanism that could further ensure spotted lanternfly numbers remain manageable. Overpopulation of any species – not just the spotted lanternfly, which does have natural predators here in the USA (e.g. some snakes, birds,praying mantises, hornets and spiders) – humans too – always wreck ecological havoc. Just look at our planet today with every new year setting extreme heat records, growing numbers of more intense wildfires, droughts, floods, not to mention the intense destruction we're causing all over the planet! Finally, whether it's popular or not, I choose to co-exist with the spotted lanternfly and won't kill them especially since I find it appalling we humans think the entire planet only belongs to us and have the right to decide what species live or die in nature! As a follow up, on 12 September 2023 I found several Spotted Lanternfly colonies in Rye, NY and it seems nature is adapting to create a population control mechanism . Yellow Jackets were swarming at all of these colonies where the Spotted Lanternflies have been laying eggs; they even created underground nests to be close-by. It seems they have discovered the eggs and found they are a new source of food. In fact, it seems yellow jackets are swarming in many places where Spotted Lanternflies have begun to or have laid eggs, perhaps attracted by the faint aroma of the white glossy substance they use to cover their eggs.

Woman and Peahen

19 Aug 2023 57 43 262
Mamaroneck, NY Also on this World Day of Photography, my deepest condolences go out to Andy Rodker's family and friends. He was a large part of this community and a great, caring person who loved to share the beautiful scenic pictures of his home country. He will be greatly missed and forever in our prayers and memories. Enjoy eternity Andy even if it breaks our hearts here. As a wonderful photographer, it is also ironic he should pass on this day of all days.

Doe and Fawn

28 Jun 2023 69 48 335
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye, NY


14 Jun 2023 60 39 311
Mamaroneck, NY And the rainbow shall be in the cloud, and I will see it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and between every living creature among all flesh, which is on the earth. [Judaism: Bereshit 9:16] I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind… [Christianity: Genesis 9:13-15] The rainbow is a safeguard for the inhabitants of the earth that they will not be drowned and the Milky Way is the door of the heavens and the splitting of the heavens will begin from it. [Islam: Ibn Abbas]

Wildfires Collage

07 Jun 2023 65 51 321
Mamaroneck, NY Note: These conditions were created by the smoke from wildfires that are raging in Nova Scotia, Canada (the worst in that province's history) some 600 miles away. The center and right most photographs were taken around 2:30 PM 7 June 2023. The photo featuring the sun was taken at 2:46 PM 7 June 2023. During the peak of the smoky conditions today, the Air Quality Index that ranges on a scale from 0 to 500 with 0-50 being good rose to 484 (Hazardous). As a result schools closed early and evening events were cancelled including the scheduled games for the New York Yankees (MLB) and New York Liberty (WNBA). Masks were also back in fashion.


27 May 2023 52 30 275
Mamaroneck, NY

Mute Swan

29 May 2023 56 36 257
Larchmont, NY


23 Mar 2023 55 37 319
Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio Top left: Life-sized mounted Knight in Armor ; Top right: War hat or Kettle hat , circa 1475-1500; Bottom left: Sword and Riveted Steel Male Shirt , circa 1400s; Bottom right: Portrait of a Woman by Corneille de Lyon (1500-1575), about 1540, Oil on Wood Note: To the medieval mind, which gave deep spiritual meaning to everyday objects, the sword was viewed as the noblest of weapons since its shape symbolized the cross on which Christ died. [Display Placard, Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio]

Ancient Egyptian Glory

23 Mar 2022 53 35 276
Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Seated Pair , about 1479-1425 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center top: Relief of Hatshepsut or Tuthmosis III, about 1479-1425 BCE; Reign of Hatshepsut/Tuthmosis III. left center bottom: Statuette of a Lion , about 380-246 BCE, Limestone. right center: Ostracon: Ramesses II Suckled by a Goddess , about 1279-1213 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Ramesses II. right: Head of King Userkaf , about 2454-2447 BCE, Painted Limestone; Reign of Userkaf.

Window Paintings

22 Mar 2023 49 33 292
Abandoned Building, E. 4th Street, Cleveland, Ohio Lonely and abandoned, In the twilight of its life, The shuttered building stands, Its thriving past a faded memory. Yet it dares hope with painted vibrance for an extended lifeline; and for as long as it stands, It dreams of rebirth and renewal. © 2023 – William Sutherland

Faces of the Past

23 Mar 2023 56 40 297
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio left: Funerary Portrait of a Man , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine) center: Funerary Portrait of a Young Girl , about AD 25-37; Encaustic on wood, Roman Empire (late Tiberian) right: Funerary Portrait of a Woman , about AD 138-192; Encaustic on linen, Roman Empire (Antonine)

A New Dawn

08 Apr 2023 41 33 248
Created with Dall-e 2® and Smart Photo Editor® . And on the first of the week, about the third hour of the night, the sun was seen such as it had never at any time shone, and all the heaven was lighted up. [A]n innumerable multitude of angels cr[ied] out… saying: Glory in the highest to God, and on earth peace, among [people] of goodwill: come up out of Hades, ye who have been kept in slavery… And at their voice all the mountains and hills were shaken, and the rocks were burst asunder… [a]nd there were seen… [the] dead raised up… And all the multitude walked about, and sang praises to God… saying: The Lord our God that has risen from the dead has brought to life all the dead, and has plundered Hades, and put him to death. The Report of Pontius Pilate/Letter to Tiberius Early on the first day of the week… Mary of Magdala went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance… Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb and saw two angels in white… They asked her, “Woman, why are you crying?” “They have taken my Lord away,” she said, “and I don’t know where they have put him.” John 20:1, 11-13 [An] angel said… “Do not be afraid... He is not here; he has risen, just as he said!” Matthew 28:5-6

Good Friday Collage

23 Mar 2023 32 27 250
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio (l.) The Crucifixion , about 1730. Porcelain; ebonized wood cross with gilt-bronze mounts. Du Paquier Porcelain Manufactory (Austria); (r.) Vesperbild (Pietà) , 1515-20. Lindenwood, polychromed and gilded. Master of Rabenden (Upper Bavaria, Germany)

Windows to Heaven

23 Mar 2023 35 31 238
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland,Ohio (left): Icon of the Mother of God and Infant Christ , c. 1425-50, Tempera and gold on wood by Angelos Akotantos (1390-1457), Greece; (right): Icon of the New Testament Trinity , c. 1450, Tempera and gold on poplar wood, Constantinople, Byzantine. “…[I]cons speak to us of reality transformed and transfigured, both in and through God’s presence. They speak of transcendence and mystery… [and] point to a reality that we have never seen with our own eyes. …[I]cons, represent our limited attempts to speak of the unspeakable.” – Peter Pearson (born 1957), American Iconographer

African Art

29 Mar 2023 43 36 254
Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio Top left to right: Ancestral Commemorative Head (uhunmwun-elao) , c. 1550-early 1600s, West Africa – Nigeria/Benin Kingdom; Mask , early 1900s (before 1933-37), West Africa – Liberia; Dance Staff for Èsù (Ògo Èlégba) , 1800s, West Africa – Nigeria Bottom: Antelope Headdress (chi wara) , Early to mid-1900s, West Africa – Mali

631 photos in total