BB Ocean in Stavanger, Norway (HFF)

Stavanger, Norway, Voyage of the VIkings 2014

Folder: Crusing Travel
Another stop for our very interesting cruise. Stavanger has a remarkable Oil Museum, since this port services the North Sea oil fields.

27 Jul 2014

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227 visits

BB Ocean in Stavanger, Norway (HFF)

Just one of the oil servicing ships that we saw in Stavanger. Image processed with GIMP. (Besides the fence, there is a man on the pier, fishing.) (Oh yes, the color. I looked up the ship online and it seems to be painted quite red these days. Apparently in 2014, it was more pink (??!)) I didn't like the blue cast, so fiddled a bit more in GIMP, and have an alternate image to offer:

27 Jul 2014

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213 visits

[Alternate] BB Ocean, Stavanger, Norway 2014

ALTERNATE image processing: We saw several such oil service ships in Stavanger. The original, posted to Happy Fence Friday, seemed a bit too "blue" to me. So, off to GIMP again, to see about some color manipulation. I hope that this image is a bit "warmer". It should be noted that I was trying new camera setups when these photos were taken, and this might be one where the "default" color temperature was set in my Nikon D700 camera. I have noted that many photos from that time period were, by default, cast with more blue than I like to see. HOWEVER, the ship still looks "pink", much as in the original photo. You can see the "pinkness" when contrasting the hull color with the red of the safety gear, and international "orange" of the life ring near the pilot house. The original posting: