Annalia S.'s photos

Autumn ... in the details - PIPs

31 Oct 2021 19 10 151
The magic of the early Autumn in some small details. In the main: a clump of grass on a tiny river islet gets highlighted by the last light of evening. In the pips: - a newly fallen horse chestnut on a park lawn (my grandma had a folk belief that if you kept one of these in your pocket/purse through the winter it would keep you from catching colds and to this day I still look for one at the beginning of the season - not to prevent colds, of course, but in memory of my grandma); - a tiny yellow flower emerging from fallen leaves and trying to take advantage of the last warm days; - bright red berries on a bush.

River Autumn

31 Oct 2021 18 8 150
Looking across the River Arno at the Anconella Park as Autumn begins to deploy its warm palette.

cloudy day's end - HBM!

31 Oct 2021 34 24 250
Benches by the Arno River bike trail, yesterday, towards a cloudy sunset. HBM, everyone! Have a nice week ahead!

minigolf and abandoned depot - HFF!

03 Sep 2021 40 35 205
Fence of the minigolf course at a nearby park. In the background the abandoned bus depot. The city has been trying for years to find buyers who would restore and repurpose it, but so far no takers. Too bad I don't have the kind of money it takes... I think it's a fascinating brick and metal building, in a great location by the river. Wishing everyone a great weekend and a happy fence friday!

Three ladies - HBM!

01 Oct 2019 39 28 251
Three ladies at the Fortezza Tram Station. HBM and have a great week ahead!

Traffico Limitato - HFF!

18 Aug 2021 41 70 224
In an effort to allow restaurants to resume business as soon as possible while limiting impact on the virus transmission, the government revoked regulations that keep private businesses from occupying public spaces. This allowed restaurants that did not have outdoor spaces to set up tables in the public street (usually only on the sidewalks). Here, historical Trattoria "Il Moretto", serving some of the best food to be had in town, has taken advantage of the fact that it lies on a downtown alley where vehicular traffic is restricted to take over most of the street. I must say I like this. It took me back to a time when regulations were lax or nonexistent and life regularly spilled over on the streets and it gives, to towns and even cities, the feeling of a more relaxed, tolerant, even intimate, village life. HFF, everybody, and wishing you all a fun weekend!

night comes to my city - PIP

11 Oct 2021 37 24 241
From the bike path on Lungarno Corsini looking west towards Ponte Santa Trinita. In the PIP: same place, same time, different format. Have a nice Saturday evening (those on the North Hemisphere) and a nice Sunday to those Down Under!

geraniums in the spot light - HFF

03 Sep 2021 30 29 197
Potted geraniums catch the last light on a balcony. HFF and have a great weekend!

Happy Bench Monday!

03 Sep 2021 30 22 238
One of the resting places along the Arno banks trail. HBM and have a great week, everyone!

city reflected (and a bit of a rant ... sorry!)

20 Oct 2020 35 48 238
Almost exactly a year ago, as evening approached (and I headed home from work on my trusty bike "Betsy"), the last of the soft October light was casting warm reflections of the city on the river and the first touches of autumn seemed to have brushed color accents on the city parks trees. Shortly after that, I was once again working remotely from home, as a new wave of Covid19 swept through Italy. A year later, 80% of the eligible population in Italy is fully vaccinated and another 5% has received the first dose. We still wear masks in indoor venues, on public transportation and in crowded outdoor places, but we can move around, all shops are open, if we need healthcare for something other than Covid we can get it and kids are mostly back in school. We could probably dispense even with masks and social distancing if our national quota of vaccine hesitant folks (or their parents, in the case of kids over 12) were not being mislead by the misinformation trash that is still rampant on social media. Because of this trash, and the handful of orchestrators that originate it, we are still losing people who could have been protected by the vaccine, people of varying ages, including up to 25 kids each week, end up having to be hospitalised for Covid, we still have to wear masks and we had to implement vaccine mandates (which would not have been necessary if people's minds had not been poisoned against making rational choices). In my opinion, these orchestrators should not just be banned from social media. They should be brought to justice and made to answer for the deaths and the suffering of the people who unfortunately believed their lies.

country garden - HFF!

17 Aug 2021 51 40 234
Back in August, I joined my nephews on a visit to their grandmother's farm. The farm is managed by the eldest son now, but, with the occasional help of her three children for the heavier jobs, she still keeps a vegetable and flower garden that looks out on the neighbour's old shed and apple orchard. Immersed as the farm is in nature, they must protect everything that grows from the incursions of deer and birds, so there are fences and protective nets everywhere. Chickens must be brought in and locked up in their coop each night too, before the foxes start their night prowls. I asked her if she noticed more wildlife now that so many of the farms that used to dot the mountain region all around are abandoned or neglected, but she laughed and said she has had to "put away the chickens for the night" for as long as she can remember. "And even as a little girl, it was my job to get to the hazel nuts before the squirrels cleaned them out" she added. HFF and have a wonderful weekend, hopefully with lots of autumn colors to enjoy and photograph for the North hemisphere Ipernians and lovely spring scenes for those down under!

Happy Bench Monday!

17 Aug 2021 49 32 293
Mother and son pose for me on the "Bench with a view". Sorry I am so late in wishing everyone a nice week!

at sundown - HFF!

20 Aug 2021 59 47 252
Clearly long unused, nearly overtaken by greenery and well rusted, the service gate of a mountain resort basks in the last light of day. Happy Fence Friday, y'all, and have a great weekend!

End of summer

03 Sep 2021 41 24 300
Happy Wall Wednesday! Dried grasses and lichens on a country wall.

river trail fence (PIP)

03 Sep 2021 44 41 201
Fence by the Arno River trail. In the PIP: people come home in the evening after a walk/run along the Arno River trail. HFF everybody, and have a great weekend, with all kinds of nice photogenic light!

Benches and shadows - HBM!

19 Aug 2021 38 31 228
Happy Bench Monday, everyone! Have a Lovely week!

Happy Work in Progress Fence Friday!

03 Sep 2021 43 32 192
Colorful construction fence on Lungarno Colombo. HFF, everyone! (does better on black, I think)

Happy Bench Monday!

18 Aug 2021 35 24 227
Wishing everyone a nice week ahead and a welcoming, colorful bench whenever you need a rest!

72 items in total

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