Leon_Vienna's videos

Ottawa, "View on the River"-Pano - 2007

08 Aug 2007 12 19 159
Months ago already I was thinking about how to present panoramic shots here on Ipernity. One possibility for me could be a screenshot video. I have only little knowledge about that video thing and because the result was not really convincing for me, I asked Claus-Peter, Markus and Uwe for their opinion. Since none of them shouted "yarks, leave your hands of it!!" I will show you after weeks of silence what I managed to do back then. I am still not satisfied, but my time for such things is very limited and I doubt that I ever will handle moving pictures any better, than here. An almost 180° panoramic view along and across Ottawa river can be seen here, rather little of Ottawa City ('cause it's in our back), but a lot of Gatineau and a very little of huge Quebec province. Translated with www.deepl.com/Translator (free version)

Beethovens Fünfte - Have Fun!

28 Mar 2020 12 27 213
Vom Freund eines Freundes seinem Freund ... etc etc. Und Frohe Ostern außerdem. DoodleChaos' YouTube Site: www.youtube.com/channel/UCnVimh35ecf46P_Bt-2AArg . Besucht ihn mal, da gibt's noch mehr Geniales! (Link geändert, sollte wieder funktionieren, 9.5.20)