Rome sunset

sunsets and sunrises

Rome sunset

30 Oct 2014 37 42 699
True Colours, Cyndy Lauper

barbed wired sunset

school is over!!!


28 Jul 2017 28 60 603
Enjoying a glorious sunset at the Lake of Lecco.

i moti del cielo

16 Jan 2018 21 29 650
A windy twilight in El Calafate

sunset bathing

tramonto sul Po

foggy sunset fence

26 Dec 2018 47 58 337
HFF and HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody! :-)

Sappada fence

30 Dec 2018 37 29 551
Sappada (Plodn in German dialect ) is a linguistic German-speaking island , as well as a summer and winter mountain tourist resort, between the regions of Cadore and of Carnia, the northern offshoots of the Dolomites, at the border between the regions of Veneto and Friuli and Carinthia (Austria). It is surrounded by imposing and impressive Dolomite massifs.

on a frozen lake

just an urban sunrise

Vagar, Mulafossur

04 Aug 2019 53 50 409
The Faroe Islands is a North Atlantic archipelago 320 kilometres northwest of Scotland, and about halfway between Norway and Iceland. It is an autonomous country of the Kingdom of Denmark. Their total area is about 1,400 square kilometres with a population of 51,783 . (from Wikipedia) I spent a week on these amazingly beautiful islands . Vagar is the name of the island, Mulafossur the one of the fall.

a perpetual possibility

19 Jul 2019 42 38 408
Time present and time past Are both perhaps present in time future And time future contained in time past. ... What might have been is an abstraction Remaining a perpetual possibility Only in a world of speculation. T.S.Eliot, Four Quartets

summer memory

25 Jul 2019 33 35 281
HFF everybody! Please enlarge to see the fence!;-)

just a summer postcard

22 Jul 2019 41 45 398
Solo un tramonto d'estate ...a Scilla. In fondo , la Sicilia. Una cartolina alla quale sono affezionata ed un modo per salutare l'estate.

rosso di sera

23 Feb 2020 26 15 277
Thank you very much for your visits and comments.

fleecy sky fence

25 Apr 2020 46 37 299
Thank you very much for your visits and comments.

let’s go

05 May 2020 33 17 254
Thank you very much for your visits and comments.

49 items in total