A favourite tree. HFF everyone!


Folder: Spain provinces (and Madrid)

North Central Madrid, Chamartín.

18 Feb 2020 29 28 346
Paseo de La Castellana, Four Towers (3 evident here)..

H. A. N. W. E. Everyone (and Happy Valentine's too…

08 Dec 2012 38 23 278
Madrid street art. I tried to update this 8 years later but it was impossible. Why? Because the trees had grown so qiuickly that they totally obscured the artwork!

HFF everyone!

12 Feb 2020 51 50 517
OK, it's another station shot, but I like the lines.

Plane tree; unmistakable patterning.

08 Jun 2013 31 20 253
By the Río Manzanares, Madrid

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

08 Feb 2020 21 19 270
Príncipe Pío transport hub. Metro train below, mainline train above.

I managed to get out there and find one! HFF every…

07 Feb 2020 46 38 367
Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid with a bit of blossom too.

Swallowtail butterfly

25 May 2012 30 25 266
Spring - not yet - but soon ...

'Clasicos'. HFF Everybody.

30 Jan 2020 67 59 438
The original 1919 metro trains (called 'clasicos') restored and on display at Chamartín station on an unused section of track, but they don't seem to be available to view close up. The fences have always been in place and guards patrol whenever I pass by, which is often (and slightly worrying; do they see me coming and think; "Here comes that hooligan Englishman again with his dastardly camera!")? BTW when I first visited Madrid in 1981 to see my sister who had moved here that year, these 'clasicos' were still in circulation and I used them a lot. They were horribly hot and rickety by then. I think they were finally de-commisioned the following year.

Nuevos Ministerios Transport Hub, Madrid

16 Jan 2020 36 20 320
This station is huge. If you want to change metro lines here, in some instances you have a 12 minute walk. This mainline section of the station effectively cuts the metro element in two, hence the long walks to get under or over this between lines!

HFF and SOS!!

23 Jan 2020 37 47 252
Plaza de Castilla, Madrid. Normally filled solid with traffic. I caught a serendipitous phase in the traffic light signalling! Taken whilst waiting for a bus to take me to my next class. The bus stop is round the corner (It is one of 100s of bus stops here, mostly on three levels underground; this is the major transport hub for northern Madrid, but you wouldn't necessarily know it from this position!).

A pomegranate grove

25 Apr 2016 22 23 248
Parque de El Capricho, Madrid. This is a particularly attractive park.

Double-decker train. HFF everyone!

09 Jan 2020 45 40 367
Atocha Station, Madrid. I had just alighted form this train and had been travelling on the upper deck.

Last of the Christmas lights. Gran Vía, Madrid.

24 Nov 2019 31 19 287
Before they all come down tomorrow night (or in theory they should on 12th Night, Reyes - Kings, in Spain). Today the streets were heaving; the busiest shopping day of Christmas because tomorrow evening is the feast of Kings, when the kiddies get their prezzies. Monday is a holiday and then the sales start on Tuesday.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

24 Nov 2019 27 21 295
Christmas lights, Plaza de Chueca, Madrid

Purple Haze

23 Dec 2019 17 18 191
Azca at 7:56 this morning, about to go into the building on the left to give my 8 to 10 Friday morning class to a senior partner at a major firm.

HFF everyone! Red escalator.

19 Dec 2019 19 28 229
Atocha Station, Madrid

Azca, Madrid

12 Dec 2019 7 6 150
This building appealed to me. It is also a place I taught at for a year some time ago but never viewed it from the back so wasn't ever aware of these interesting curves.

Christmas lights

24 Nov 2019 12 6 165
Chueca, Madrid.

595 items in total