Balmoral- main garden

Parks & Gardens.

16 May 2019

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150 visits

Balmoral- main garden

Balmoral -as the other half lives! One of these big windows belongs to the Queens bedroom. The garden was being prepared, as always to look at it's best for August when the family takes residence here.

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22 Oct 2018

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535 visits

Alexandra Park Fence

Here in my home town of Oldham, UK, we have a splendid public park. There are quite a few fences in there but this one recently caught my attention as it has just been completely re-furbished. An old Edwardian style wrought iron fence with a brand new coat of paint makes it a pleasure to view. (All right then, I know some people would describe this as a bridge railing but hey….it does carry on after the bridge…I think!) I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

17 Oct 2019

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243 visits

Alexandra Park in Autumn

My local park certainly comes into its own each Autumn. - Only yesterday, after posting one of last years Autumn shots did I think that I was not going to be as lucky this year, and look what happens. Enjoy large.

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02 Mar 2011

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554 visits

A misty morning at Alexandra Park

As the morning mist rises from the water in my local park, the sun starts to show its head. Enjoy with me this moment of tranquillity whilst it last.

29 Oct 2019

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361 visits

Alaxandra Park boating lake

This park really comes into its own at this time of year. Not only do we have the wonderful yellow and golds of Autumn but we also have a local grey heron waiting for sight of a fish. Rather unusual sky lighting as a big dark cloud was moving into the scene from the right. Breaking all the rules as well by having this big tree stump divide the picture in half :) Worth full size.

29 Oct 2019

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225 visits

The colours of Autumn

As I walk near the trees of my local park, I am reminded again how colourful Autumn can be. See Pip Enjoy large.

17 Oct 2019

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526 visits

Park Lake fence

I am here at my local Alexandra park again collecting yet more Autumn scenes. Taken just before the best of this year’s Autumn golds but on a beautiful clear dry day. Notice on the lawns across, the now very local Canadian Geese that have taken up residence here. – Sorry for the slightly out-of-focus fence, I was obviously too taken up with the landscape and light. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

08 Nov 2019

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256 visits

Friday dog walkers

A wonderful Autumn morning at Tandle Hills Park, brings out dog walkers by the dozen and quite a few photographers too. Enjoy large

29 Oct 2019

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211 visits

The Autumn golds of Alexandra Park

Now that almost the last golden leaf has dropped here, I can reflect on our park again. This taken only weeks ago showing one of the many lanes that crisscross this delightful park. As I prepare to snap this, a squirrel has just ran across here. In these days of climate change - the importance and beauty of these trees gets to be key! Enjoy large.
38 items in total