Rule Britannia!


Rule Britannia!

30 Oct 2018 22 29 468
Surely proof that God smiles on Britain!!!!....If only..... Sorry about this very dated, politically incorrect title. We British are the first to mock ourselves you know. Joking apart, this is a rather nice chance capture of a wonderful rainbow over the town-hall with its Union flag flying high, of Skipton, in the Yorkshire Dales. Said to be the Gateway to the Dales! Enjoy

The Harmony of the Upper Wharfe Valley

29 Oct 2018 26 28 628
The Upper Wharfdale Valley between Kettlewell and Buckden is a feast of harmonic landscapes. The prevailing features are of its river, walls and barns. Here we see a few of its walls just a mile or so from the village of Kettlwell. Just below this scene is its iconic River Wharfe. Another feature of this steep glacial valley is its light as demonstrated here. Nothing too strong -just gentle relaxing shades where if you are lucky a stray deer or hare might break the spell. Enjoy, Herb

The Margaretha Green

04 Apr 2008 22 18 319
Seen here in Southampton from the decks of a P&O Cruise ship Taken early morning as it was coming to refuel our ship. These last three Ipernity ship inclusions are from my old Panoramio collection but inspired for a comeback again by my Ipernity friend Andreas Boettcher:

Nebel und Träume

13 Jun 2018 27 28 672
Wandern in den hohen Bergen der Tatra kann voller Träume sein. Genießen Sie diesen Spaziergang mit mir hier. Viele Grüße, Herbert Mist & Dreams: Walking in the high Tatra mountains can be full of dreams. Enjoy this little hike with me here. Cheers, Herb

Evening on the Settle line.

18 Mar 2017 10 11 449
Taken just south of Settle in the Yorkshire Dales.

Sunset of Rum

04 Sep 2016 18 14 370
Taken from the mainland. Enjoy with me the scattering of light through the clouds as well as the rippling golden waters.

A day to remember!

31 Oct 2018 13 15 573
Strid Wood, one of the largest remnants of sessile oak trees in the Yorkshire Dales hugs the banks of the river Wharfe and invites visitors to walk its shaded paths. Here in Autumn, there is even a more magical feel about it with these golden canopies. Today, is special -it's a Halloween adventure' day, when parents and their children look around the trees to find spooky spiders webs, ghouls and witches along with their spooky sounds. For me though -I totally ignore all that in favour of natures abundance here. Enjoy full screen

A Yorkshire 'Double Top!'

20 Mar 2017 6 3 327
As the last heavy rainfall passes by, the next is only seconds away. It is always nice to see colours like this which also enhance the overall lighting of the scene. Taken near the tiny village of Long Preston in the Yorkshire Dales. Nb In Yorkshire, 'Double Top' is a term used in the pub game of darts meaning 'double twenty'. It sits at the very centre top position of the dart-board circle. During the game, one would cry out "double top" meaning they were going to try to get a dart in the 'double twenty' slot.

A Burnsall view.

01 Nov 2018 25 22 378
We have here the former Methodist church as seen from the River Wharfe bank at the pretty village of Burnsall in the Yorkshire Dales. Built in 1840 as a Weslyan Methodist church, it has closed as a place of worship and is now a nursery. For me though, it was the rather unusual spire that caught my eye in this wonderful light; generally most Methodist churches do not have one.

Greetings from County Kerry

15 Sep 2018 26 39 365
Our arrival here in Rossbeigh is heralded by a massive rainstorm which has its compensations as can be seen.

A seat in the mist

04 Dec 2018 22 29 357
As the sun breaks through the mist here at the edge of Dove Stones reservoir, this new natural log seat is picked out by its strong colours. Much too cold and wet to sit here but it makes for another fine memory of this great moment. Enjoy large.

The magic hills of Dovestones

04 Dec 2018 60 91 767
It’s said that once in every one hundred years; four extra hills can be seen looking down to the reservoir below to the right. These are of course ‘magic hills’ covered in deep white snow that are sometimes there for only minutes and you know, you could swear that they are moving! Before you cry,” but these are only misty clouds you fool”, I ask you to look carefully, are you really sure about that? Enjoy full size on black. HFF, have a great weekend.

Eiger- North face

21 Jan 1989 30 51 395
A blast from the past here. One of my January 1989 slide shots taken on skis, at sunset from Kleine Scheidegg, Wengen, Switzerland. I was reminded of this scene whilst photo-site travelling today. Some viewers here might remember this being in my Panoramio account too. A favourite spot for me, especially after reading the famous 'White Spider' (North face climb attempts) by Heinrich Harrer.

Storm lighting at Rossbeigh.

18 Sep 2018 41 48 622
The storms have gone - for the time being, but the moody lighting hangs about for some time yet. A lone walker chances the weather and it is another chance to get a much liked mood shot for me. Best enlarged. Pip

Fog Bow over Dovestones.

04 Dec 2018 48 65 554
A walk in these most strange misty conditions allows me to capture a glimpse of this Fog Bow at my local walking area. This is made up of Ice Crystals reflecting light. I have only seen this once before and that was in a very cold Sweden . In the foreground we can see that the reservoir is extremely low after many months of drought conditions revealing long submerged tree stumps. PiP More info here.

Lone tree, fence and a horse

23 Jan 2019 65 130 933
The recent cold spell and snowfall provided me with another chance to get a winter fence. Here, just an hours walk from my home is a tree and seemingly the same horse that I have been photographing for years. This time this HFF group has pulled me closer to the fence. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb

A Saturday run

23 Feb 2019 27 30 473
A warm Spring-like day brings me back at the far end of the series of reservoirs starting with Dove Stones. Here just a few hundred metres from the top of Greenfield reservoir we are looking up towards the Trinnacle rocks. The runner is a thing one sees quite often, as these fell-runners often do a large circuit here - through this narrow valley up to the high rocks and onward along a high ridge path. As you can see with the bright sun just lifting its head over the top left rocks, the lighting was challenging. Enjoy large

A Rossbeigh sunset

19 Sep 2018 39 47 691
The tide has started to go back out. These poles, that may one day have been a pier of sorts give our eyes a suitable anchor to the joyous sunset. Best viewed full screen

165 items in total