Dilapidated barn and lone tree

Builded from wood

Bench for rest gatherer mushrooms

16 Jun 2022 33 24 263
HFF to all gaterer mushrooms!

All the beauties of my neighborhood 2

28 Jun 2022 32 21 314
All the beauties of my neighborhood


Find the intruder in the abandoned village

04 Nov 2015 49 41 393
Although is, Bojića vis, my birthplace, abandoned long ago, long before the creation of these pictures, someone moved in. Happy fence friday!

There is my cottage

07 Nov 2015 52 37 291

Village in the mountain

Log cabin in flowers

12 Jul 2023 32 11 195
In My neighborhood

HBM of motel "Kanjon"

17 Nov 2017 34 24 178
Please click PiP!

The fight for a small horse, and the bench is free

Hi there!

Црква Светог Илије у селу Имљани

02 Aug 2022 19 8 76
The log cabin church in the village of Imljani (temple dedicated to Saint Elijah) is located on the slopes of Mount Vašić at an altitude of 1148 m. Located on a hill in the hamlet of Makarići and surrounded by a dense coniferous forest. The exact time of the church's construction has not been reliably determined, and legends about its origin are associated with this church. The first legend says that she was in the valley of the Ugar River and that she moved to this place overnight. It is mentioned that this relocation took place in 1760. Another legend is related to a child who, when he grew up and became a vizier in the Turkish government, as a sign of gratitude to his native land, approved its construction on the condition that it should not be seen from afar, that it should be in the forest. In the altar is kept a staff which is believed to have belonged to Saint Elijah and there are also various legends about it.

65 items in total