Ronald Losure's videos

Cicada nymph emerging to adult-hood

02 May 2024 4 2 31
Time-lapse movie. The cicada nymph emerges as an adult.

Fresh food delivery

11 Apr 2024 6 8 31
One adult owl delivering food to the other. The owlet has already hatched, but is mostly keeping its head down.

Solar Eclipse 8 April 2024

10 Apr 2024 6 8 16
Total solar eclipse viewed from near Indianapolis, Indiana.

Rosie swimming in the pond

Warm wind blowing across pond

Canada geese honking at Branco

01 May 2023 2 4 62
Branco didn't say a word.

Branco crossing the pond

01 Mar 2023 8 8 92
Why walk when you can swim?

Beaver swimming across the pond

18 Feb 2023 14 16 119
I think it heard a pack of beagles approaching, so it swam across the pond. You can hear the beagles later in the video. It is rare to see beavers in such good light.

Sandhill cranes - Wheeler NWR

25 Nov 2019 16 18 99
I was asked if I had a video of cranes. Here is one from 2019.

Whitetail deer at night

07 Dec 2021 10 6 136
Three or maybe four whitetail deer passing by my critter cam on 3-4 December 2021.

White pelicans

Ruby-throated hummingbird

22 May 2021 9 12 190
This hummingbird was filling up on sugar syrup. She is feeding her babies in their nest a few hundred feet away.

Whitetail deer gathering for the night

Whitetail deer visiting hollow tree

25 Sep 2020 3 10 156
Some nearly full-grown fawns were playing peek-a-boo with each other.

Speckled king-snake

02 Aug 2019 8 12 223
Lampropeltis holbrooki

It's the train they call "The City of New Orleans"

08 Jul 2019 5 12 183
Southbound pulling into Greenwood. For a famous song about this train: More about the song: Made with

Monarch caterpillar eating milkweed

27 May 2019 3 2 142
Danaus plexippus

27 videos in total