Clearwing moth.  6298583

Clearwing moths

29 Jun 2019

41 favorites


278 visits

Clearwing moth. 6298583

Snowberry clearwing moth.( Hemaris diffinis ). . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

28 Jul 2019

35 favorites


335 visits

Clearwing moth. 7280509.

Hummingbird moth ( Hemaris thysbe ). July, 2109. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit.

14 Aug 2022

41 favorites


342 visits

Clearwing moth. 8141322.

Hummingbird clearwing moth ( Hemaris thysbe ). August, 2022. . . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. I would like to thank all my Ipernity friends for their kindness, and for their visits and comments, and I would like to wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season. I will be away for a while and hope to be back soon to enjoy your posts..