micritter's photos

Hummingbird. 6276661

27 Jun 2021 27 22 221
Ruby-throated hummingbird. . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

Butterfly. 5255452

25 May 2021 27 15 245
Silver-spotted skipper ( Epargyreus clarus ) . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

Dragonfly. 6065999

06 Jun 2021 28 12 222
Dragonfly having a snack. . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

Sparrow. 3104431

10 Mar 2021 26 10 163
Chipping sparrow. at bird feeder. . . . 1 PiP . . . Thank you very much for your kind visit. .

76 items in total

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