The fires in Australia are still catastrophic. Some have been burning since September. So far the estimate is that ONE BILLION animals have been killed, 24 people have died, and 2000 houses, plus farms, farm buildings, vehicles have been destroyed. And an area the size of the country of Ireland has been totally ravaged. The fire fronts and locations are many, but what is unique is the size and intense ferocity of these blazes, unlike any before. And it is heartbreaking to see the animals which are too slow to escape...the koalas particuarly.
Vast areas of the land, and cities, are covered in dense, suffocating smoke, which is a serious health hazard, and a toxic plume of this smoke has enveloped New Zealand, and moved across the Pacific to poison the air above Chile and Argentina.

It feels really apocalyptic to wear masks to go outside, and to have streaming eyes. At least we are lucky..we have a house still standing, and my husband has not been burned On the fire grounds.
I really hope Australia's 2020 is going to show significant improvement from this.