Team's most appreciated articles

  • About translation / A propos de la traduction

    - 1 favorite
    Just to keep you in touch, 50 voluntary members are working hard to translate ipernity in German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. I received hundreds of applications but unfortunately it's difficult to share tasks with too many people. I apologize to the ones concerned. I hope they'll understand. I'm looking for 3 French -> English voluntary translators. One specialist in legal content. Please apply by sending an IPERmail to Christian CONTI. Again and again, a lot of thanks to all / C…

  • Some fresh news, features and improvements

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    [EN] Hello all! As you know, we are not in holidays (it's always holidays on the sunny French riviera ;-)), and we are working hard to better ipernity more and more everyday. Here are some fresh news: - about 503 error some of you encountered one week ago: problem was due to a failure in one network adapter. This is now fixed. - about technical platform upsizing : we've just finished to upsize our infrastructure. Everything seems to go well, and we are ready to welcome a huge amount…

  • New "replace" feature for PROs / Nouvelle fonction "remplacer" pour les PROs

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] Now you can replace a document  with another one. You'll find a "Replace this document" link in the "More information" section at the bottom right of documents pages. You may replace a doc with a same type doc only (you cannot replace a picture with a video for instance). Inappropriate use of doc replacement could cause negative impacts (what about comments or favorites if content changes radically?). That's the reason we've decided to limit usage of this feature to PRO membe…

  • Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroups!

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] Groups are open, have fun! Groups extend your possibilities of sharing and discussing. Let's play! This is a very first release of Groups. Only pictures can be posted for the moment. We'll enhance of course this feature during the next weeks. PS: if you find bugs, please use the link Contact us/Report bug at the footer [FR] Les Groupes sont ouverts, vous allez vous éclater ! Une nouvelle façon de partager et de discuter s'offre à vous. C'est par là ! Il…

  • Group limit changed to 100 (en) / Limite des groupes à 100 (fr)

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    [EN] Just a quick post to say we've heard the few non-pro members complaining about the 10 groups limit. Something is true : your support is more important that selling pro accounts. Even if pro accounts is the only way to pay the bills ;) [FR] Juste une petite note pour indiquer que nous avons pris en compte les quelques plaintes de membres non-pro. Une chose est certaine : votre implication et votre confort sont plus importants que la vente de comptes pro. Même si nous insistons sur le fa…

  • Groups update: notifications / Mise à jour des groupes : notifications

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] Now you can tune your groups events notifications. [FR] Vous pouvez désormais ajuster les notifications relatives aux événements de vos groupes. Groups administrators can decide whether they are notified when a member joins/quits a group or not. Go to your groups administration panel / "Notifications" section. Les administrateurs de groupes peuvent décider s'ils souhaitent être notifiés ou non lorsqu'un membre rejoint/quitte un groupe. Rendez-vous dans le panneau d'administrati…

  • [DE] ipernity auf Deutsch ;-)

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    [DE] ipernity ist ab sofort auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. Bereits 5 Monate nach dem Start von ipernity in englischer und französischer Sprache wurde die Seite, die von Begin an auch in Deutschland auf großes Interesse stieß, von ambitionierten Usern komplett ins Deutsche übersetzt. “Die starke emotionale Bindung, die unsere Nutzer schnell zu ipernity gefunden haben, eröffnete eine einzigartige Chance: Wir fanden eine Gruppe von Freiwilligen, die eine Übersetzung unsere…

  • Groups update: post your videos, audios and all types of docs!

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] Now you can also post in groups: videos, audios and all other types of docs. Let's start multimedia groups! [FR] Vous pouvez désormais poster dans les groupes: des vidéos, des audios et tout autre type de documents. C'est parti pour les groupes multimédia ! [ES] Ahora también ya puedes tener grupos multimedia: video y audio y otros tipos de documentos. Qué esperas, comienza con tus grupos multimedía. [IT] E ora potete inserire nei gruppi anche: audio, video e ogni altro ti…

  • more fun with tags / amusez-vous avec les tags / Divertitevi con i tag.

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] You all know how to explore everyone's tags and how it's cool to see someone's tags. But browsing in tags is not always easy. Now it is! Check this new feature by clicking on any document from a tag's page and browse the other docs just like you do with an album. ex : tag flower [FR] Vous savez tous comment explorer les tags de tout le monde ou comme c'est pratique de voir les tags d'une personne en particulier. Mais naviguer dans les documents n'est pas toujours facile. Maintenant…

  • [CA] ipernity en català ;-)

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    [EN] ipernity is now available in Catalan !     [ES] ¡ipernity en catalán !     [FR] ipernity est désormais accessible en catalan ! [CA] ipernity, el primer lloc web d’intercanvi obert a tots els formats digitals, ja està disponible en català. Llançat fa 7 mesos en anglès i en francès, ipernity ha suscitat des de la seva obertura un gran entusiasme per part dels usuaris catalans, que espontàniament es van oferir de forma voluntària a traduir ipernity a la llengua de Llull. « L’a…

  • [DE] ipernity bietet Ihnen 40 Fotodrucke ;-)

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] This is an announcement concerning our photo printing service. This service is currently available for France and Germany. We are working to extend this service to other areas soon. Dear members from France, go to the next article to read this announce in French.  Letzt: bis 26.03.2008!   Fantastische Neuigkeiten ! Sie können nun Ihre Fotoausdrucke über ipernity bestellen ! Wir möchten Ihnen diesen neuen Service schmackhaft machen und freuen uns deshalb Ihnen f…

  • IMPORTANT: service unavailable for 5 hours on Saturday / le service sera interrompu 5 heures samedi

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] Dear members, We are currently doing invisible things to make some new exciting features possible. The service needs to be temporarily cut off for maintenance operations. We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. Thank your very much for your understanding. See U in a bit ;-) The ipernity Team.  ipernity will NOT be available during 5 hours tomorrow Saturday the 17th of May 2008 GMT+10: Sydney time from 05:00 pm to 10:00 pm GMT+8: Beijing, Taipei from 03:…

  • ipernity in Greek!

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    ipernity continues to grow and is now available in Greek! Look at that ;-) The Greek translation was entirely made by only one (magic) member: peri22b We'd like to warmly thank him for bringing ipernity to the Greek-speaking community. So it's now time to invite you Greek friends to join ipernity! Check your address book! Other new languages are coming : Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Portuguese-Brazilian and Japanes…

  • Outage today for 2 hours

    - 1 favorite
    [EN] As some of you may have noticed, ipernity has been down for about two hours this morning. The outage was caused by an extraordinary load on one of our databases which caused a side effect on the whole website. We are now analysing the situation and going to take mesures against this problem for the future. We apologize for any inconvenience. [NL] Zoals sommigen van jullie misschien gemerkt hebben lag ipernity eruit vanmorgen gedurende ongeveer twee uren. De storing werd veroorzaakt doo…

  • Open Web Awards: ipernity in the final round top 3

    - 1 favorite
    * 2008/12/16 update: voting is now closed. You were fantastic! Winners will be announced today (US time). Hold your breath! * Thanks to all the members who voted for ipernity over the past week at the 2nd Open Web Awards ... w e a r e i n t h e f i n a l r o u n d t o p 3 Final voting begins today and closes December 15th we need you to win! VOTE (everyday) Yes, you can even vote one time per day till December 15th…

  • Galego! ipernity now available in Galician

    - 1 favorite
    ipernity extends its coverage and is now available in Galician Galicia is an autonomous community in northwest Spain. Our thanks go to Manuel , Xabre and Xosé who did the translation. Special thank to Manuel for his leadership. Now it's time to invite your Gacilian friends to join ipernity! Check your address book! More languages are coming : Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Portuguese-Brazilian and Japanese. We need…

  • Get started on your 365 project

    - 1 favorite
    New Year's day is the perfect day to get started on your 365 project : ► take a photo or make a video every day for a year on a same topic. They did it! Assbach completed his 365minutes project on October 14, 2008 day 001 .../... day 365 and his 365-Days project on August 12, 2007 day 001 .../... day 365…

  • ipernity in Czech!

    - 1 favorite
    ipernity continues to grow and is now available in Czech! Translation was led and mainly made from Esperanto by: Vladimir Türk We'd like to warmly thank him for bringing ipernity to Czech people. Thanks also to Maru and Roman for their help. And thank you Paul , for linking us to the Esperantist community. It's now time to invite you Czech friends to join ipernity! Check your address book! --------------------- More languages are coming --------…

  • IGA 2023 - Report of the President on 2022

    - 1 favorite
    IGA2023 - Report of the President on 2022 Activity report on the year 2022 IGA2023 - Rapport du Président sur l'année 2022 Rapport d'activité pour l'année 2022 IGA2023 - Bericht des Präsidenten über das Jahr 2022 Tätigkeitsbericht über das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr 2022

446 articles in total