Team's most commented articles

  • [FR] Suggestions de groupes : nouveautés

    Comme annoncé plus tôt , nous venons d'apporter quelques améliorations concernant les suggestions d'ajout de photos et de docs dans des groupes. L'objectif est d'apporter une meilleure visibilité aux suggestions de groupes, tout en donnant un meilleur contrôle aux différents acteurs (propriétaires de contenus, visiteurs, administrateurs de groupes). A. Vous avez désormais le choix entre : - interdire les suggestions de groupe dans votre espace : dans ce cas le bouton "suggérer un gr…

  • New features for mobile apps: articles, translation facilities, home pages

    [EN] Some new features have been made for the mobile version of ipernity as well as the iPhone, iPad and Android apps. 1. Articles are now viewable! A new "Articles" section has been added on the home pages and on the side menu of the apps. 2. The "translate" function is now available for comments posted in a different language than yours. Members of the ipernity Club have also access to the translation of articles. 3. The home pages have been revamped to enable them to be more user f…

  • Some fresh news, features and improvements

    [EN] Hello all! As you know, we are not in holidays (it's always holidays on the sunny French riviera ;-)), and we are working hard to better ipernity more and more everyday. Here are some fresh news: - about 503 error some of you encountered one week ago: problem was due to a failure in one network adapter. This is now fixed. - about technical platform upsizing : we've just finished to upsize our infrastructure. Everything seems to go well, and we are ready to welcome a huge amount…

  • [FR] Développez vos photos avec ipernity !

    Dear all, this is a message targetted to members living in Germany or France only. We've just launched photo printing services, available first for these countries. We plan to propose photo printing to other areas soon. We'll keep you in touch in this blog!    nouveau ! développez vos photos avec ipernity !   Des tirages à partir de 0,09 € réalisés sur papier Kodak Royal par notre partenaire CEWE , laboratoire leader en Europe. Envoi sous 48 heures ! No…

  • Be a millionaire! Devenez millionnaire!

    [EN] This week-end, we'll cross the bar of the million docs published ! At the time we are writing this post, the counter displays 990,970 990970 Want to be THE millionaire? Check from time to time the Explore/Latest page. The upper-left doc represents the latest uploaded. The doc rank is the last number displayed in the URL. When you believe it's the right time to upload, go ahead! We are counting on you to upload one of your pieces of…

  • [DE] ipernity bietet Ihnen 40 Fotodrucke ;-)

    [EN] This is an announcement concerning our photo printing service. This service is currently available for France and Germany. We are working to extend this service to other areas soon. Dear members from France, go to the next article to read this announce in French.  Letzt: bis 26.03.2008!   Fantastische Neuigkeiten ! Sie können nun Ihre Fotoausdrucke über ipernity bestellen ! Wir möchten Ihnen diesen neuen Service schmackhaft machen und freuen uns deshalb Ihnen f…

  • Share your personal videos and other big files, using BitTorrent and the new ipernity tracker ;-)

    Dear friends, As you know, we are still working on releasing the ipernity API. Almost 80% is done but it's time consuming and while working on this project, we cannot progress on other improvements and new features (remember we are only 2 programmers). So we decided to make a short coffee-break last week to complete one of our "secret" projects ;)... BitTorrent! As from now, ipernity proposes a solution to share voluminous contents such as full-lenght personal videos or entire folders of tho…

  • Improvements: Network and Explore pages

    Hello everybody! We've just improved the Network and Explore pages. The Network pages Latest publications pages Latest docs, albums and posts published by your network are now more accurate. Several time frames are available. At last, you can choose to display 1 or 5 docs max by member. The members list page Several filters are available (last added, last visited ...). Display the people you may know (those in relationship with your friends and family)! You might wan…

  • "Who is online" is back / "Qui est connecté" est de retour :)

    [EN] As announced in our previous article , the "Who is online?" feature is back. Of course, you can decide who can see that you are online on ipernity in your privacy settings . Have a nice week-end! Note : there is no chatting possibilities for the moment. The old chat was too buggy, so we unplugged it. It'll take several weeks before retrieving a Chat feature on ipernity. [FR] Comme annoncé dans notre précédent article , la rubrique "Qui est connecté ?" es…

  • Short news... / En bref...

    im Shoppingstress
    [EN] Some brief news before the shopping spree week-end... - Album folders are now available from the mobile version of ipernity as well as on the iPhone and Android app. The search for albums and folders is also available. - We are still optimizing the site so that it is better referenced by Google. The first results are visible: the audience on the public side of ipernity has started to rise. -A new version of the iPhone app is in the process of being validated by Apple. It should b…

  • [FR] A propos de la promotion des groupes

    Bonjour à toutes et à tous Un débat animé s'est installé depuis quelques semaines à propos de la promotion des groupes dans les commentaires postés sous les photos. Nous avons entendu les arguments des personnes pour et contre et nous avons décidé d'apporter quelques améliorations au service pour tenter - nous l'espérons - de satisfaire tout le monde. Nous ne souhaitons toujours pas que les commentaires soient utilisés pour faire la promotion des groupes. Pourquoi ? Parce que ces commen…

  • Some fresh news / Quelques infos / Ein paar Neuigkeiten / Notizie fresche

    [EN] Hello all, here are some fresh news about ipernity: 1) We are upsizing our technical platform, and everything seems to go well (fortunately ;-)) 2) "groups" feature and API documentation are our priority and we are working on. 3) Translation is on the way also. We are currently reviewing Italian. German, Spanish, Portuguese will follow(thanks again to translators). By the way, we try to find time everyday to work on small features/improvements. Web alias : you may now use y…

  • OpenID

    [EN] you can now sign-up and sign-in using OpenID. OpenID is an identity system allowing you to authenticate to several sites with the same name and password. It could become a standard in the future, since major internet companies like Orange (40 millions users in France) have decided to switch to OpenID. We'll study soon the opportunity of opening ipernity to other 3rd-party identity systems. This is an alternate way to connect to ipernity, targetting OpenID users. If you use to login with yo…

  • more fun with tags / amusez-vous avec les tags / Divertitevi con i tag.

    [EN] You all know how to explore everyone's tags and how it's cool to see someone's tags. But browsing in tags is not always easy. Now it is! Check this new feature by clicking on any document from a tag's page and browse the other docs just like you do with an album. ex : tag flower [FR] Vous savez tous comment explorer les tags de tout le monde ou comme c'est pratique de voir les tags d'une personne en particulier. Mais naviguer dans les documents n'est pas toujours facile. Maintenant…

  • 2008年新年快乐!Happy new year!

    From our French Riviera, we send you our sunniest wishes for 2008, and hope we'll spend all together a new funny and passionate year on ipernity ;-) Happy new year to all of you! Lea, Christophe, Tristan & Christian .     Happy new year! .   Bonne année ! .   Ein gutes neues Jahr! .   ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! .   Felice anno nuovo! .   F…

  • [FR] ipernity vous offre 40 tirages photos ;-)

    [EN] This is an announcement concerning our photo printing service. This service is currently available for France and Germany. We are working to extend this service to other areas soon. Dear German members, go to the previous article to read this announce in German.    Dernière minute : l'offre est reconduite jusqu'au 26 mars 2008 !      Bonne nouvelle ! Vous pouvez désormais développer vos photos avec ipernity ! Et pour en profiter dès maintenant, nous vous offrons:…

  • Facebook, Yahoo!ID, OpenID, Orange, API...

    [EN] Here are the weekly news... As for now, people having a Yahoo!ID or OpenID, Facebook members and Orange subscribers can use their login information to connect ipernity. ipernity members, go to your  Preferences / Connexion page for further details. Not yet registered? That way! We are still focused on the ipernity API and hope to open it to programmers in the next days. We should modify our technical architecture and it was time consuming. That's the reason why we are a little bit…

  • ipernity in Greek!

    ipernity continues to grow and is now available in Greek! Look at that ;-) The Greek translation was entirely made by only one (magic) member: peri22b We'd like to warmly thank him for bringing ipernity to the Greek-speaking community. So it's now time to invite you Greek friends to join ipernity! Check your address book! Other new languages are coming : Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Polish, Hungarian, Czech, Portuguese-Brazilian and Japanes…

  • An iper new year ;-)

    Wishing you and yours an iper New Year! . . Cards freshly posted by our dear members...

  • Some news!

    Hello everybody, No news from us since a long time. We are sooooo busy. So here's a little update. 2nd Open Web Awards: here's your prize! Remember, last December, we won the 2nd Open Web Awards in photo sharing category . It's the victory of our fantastic community who made the buzz and voted everyday. We've just received the prize. This is yours too. We'd like to share those moments of happiness with you. New video and audio players Video and audio players have changed…

495 articles in total