Hello all,

A lively debate has been going on for a few weeks now concerning the group promotions in the comments under the photos.

We have taken into account the arguments and suggestions of users that are for and against this and therefore we have decided to bring some improvement to the service that we hope will satisfy everyone.

We still do not wish to have the comment field being used to promote groups.
Why is that?
All these comments posted without any limit and with the same format bothers viewing the other comments. Even if from the start the intention is good the result depreciates the overall quality of the service.

Some users made us the remark that the suggestions to groups that is done by the "suggest a group" button was only visible to the owner of the photo while the suggestions posted in the form of comments were visible to all visitors.

Good remark!

Some other users indicated that the "suggest a group" function was limited to groups where someone is either an administrator or moderator.

Good remark!

Here are the results we are going to bring in the next few days:

1) You will soon be able to suggest whatever group you are a member of (at this time only those that you are an administrator or moderator).

2) All the suggested groups will be displayed on top of the comments and visible to all visitors.

3) You will be able to decide if you want to deactivate the feature of group suggestions in your space. In this case, nobody will be able to suggest groups to you.

03-03-2014 EDIT

4) You will be able to decide whether group suggestions made on your photos are visible to your visitors or not.

5) Group administrators will define who can suggest to add photos in their group (administrators/moderators only or all the group members)


Please note that these improvements are in the process of being developed and will be available in a fortnight. We will announce it on this blog.

Catch you soon,

The ipernity Team