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Dear members and friends of ipernity,

1) Copyright violations have again become an issue at ipernity. Some may have been innocent oversights, but others were deliberate infringements. Therefore, we feel obliged to address it again. We remind you to strictly observe the corresponding Chapter 6 of our Terms of Use.

2) Copyright compliance is a legal requirement for which each ipernity member is personally responsible. As the legal requirements vary from country to country, it is up to each of you to find out for yourself which regulations apply to you.

3) This is particularly topical for all residents of the European Union, because all states of the European Community have adopted the corresponding European directive EU 2019/790 into national law this year. This means that the copyright regulations have changed in all European countries this summer. Please inform yourself before using or quoting other people's works. Disregard can cost you a lot of money!

4) Please also inform yourself if you want to edit other people's works. There are strict guidelines for this all over the world. Lack of knowledge in this regard does not protect you from legal consequences, which always result in heavy penalties.

5) As the operator of this website, our association is obliged to deal immediately with copyright infringements that are reported to us. We will therefore do this without exception and immediately when we become aware of it. We will delete such material immediately without prior notice to protect you and us as operators from further legal action. We will only contact you if the situation is in doubt.

6) Also, consistent with the policies of other photo and art sharing sites, repeated infringements (three or more) will result in account suspension or deletion since misrepresentation of another’s work as your own is unethical, intellectually dishonest and illegal.

Your ima team