Articles by Sherry ~ Rebujito

  • Reflections of the thanks.

    - 23 Nov 2007 - 8 comments
    Today was Thanksgiving here in America.  Traditionally the fourth Thursday in November, a day of giving thanks after the harvest season.  So we reflect on this day, and remember hopefully all that we have to be grateful for.  Now this particular time of year for me *could* have been one of tremendous sadness and pain.  You see both my parents (different years) died around Thanksgiving. My mother passed away the day before Thanksgiving the year she died, and we buried my father the day before the…


    - 15 Oct 2007 - 11 comments
    OMG!!! Okay I am a TOTAL self proclaimed hopeless romantic!!! Well tonight I received a GIANT dose of romantic!!! Thanks to my sweet babydoll Brandi (my son Seth's girlfriend). She called me late this afternoon and asked if she could come over to decorate Seth's room...hmmm???? okay I thought????? (Seth was at a practice with his band As Forever Fades) ANYway Brandi explained that she wanted to decorate his room...and leave an invitation for him to Santa Switch... Santa Switch is a formal w…


    - 07 Oct 2007 - 8 comments
    HEE HEE okay since most people I know here at home...I've already shared this with or they actually witnessed it...just had to share it with you guys...cuz it felt SOOOOOOOO good!!!! Okay Friday night well actually early Saturday morning 1:30 AM to be daughter Sarah comes running into my bedroom very upset telling me "MOM there is someone banging on the front door"...okay see our *literal* front door...we don't use as our *front* door. Actually the front room of my house is Sarah'…

  • Grateful and OH SO proud Ma

    - 25 Sep 2007
    This is something my son shared with me today to make me smile...I would like to share it with all of you...because you all mean so much to me...and Sascha of course means the world to me... Check out his whole stream he is a brilliant photographer...he should be a film director!!! I love you sweet son! Thank you!    

  • For Someone's Benefit....for the whole www to view :-D

    - 07 Aug 2007 - 8 comments
    It was recently brought to my attention that I as a "lovely young lady" perhaps shouldn't be posting "all of my happenings for the whole www to view"...he wished to know what would "drive" me to do such a thing? Hmmmm well I answered him: Subject : Re: It may be dumb for U No Who 2 ask   L, Okay first off IMO...there are no dumb questions...ANY question means the person asking is seeking information...knowledge...hence no dumb questions. However…

  • Sometimes being a hot sexy bitch...helps ;-)

    - 24 Jul 2007 - 10 comments
    Hee Hee Hee.... my niece Mandi and her BFF Shannon and I had a LOVELY dinner last night! The food was superb!!! Very nice very chic litlle restaurant Central Market... Mandi and Shannon frequent this restaurant the owner/chef was very attentive to us. and well could tell he was crushin a little on me...hee hee hee... after an excellent meal (early girl tomato soup to DIE for) I order of course their MOST chocolate dessert.... the Chocolate Tart (hmmm is that a description of me??…

  • San Francisco here I come.... :-)

    - 21 Jul 2007 - 7 comments
    I'm leaving in a bit to head out to the airport...Can't wait to see Mandi and Darwin!!! OMG I'm getting excited now...before it didn't seem real...but now YEA!!!   I'll still check in and thanks to Werner explaining..."yes Sherry you can still post on Ipernity even though you are away from your computer" (Werner rolling his eyes at that moment ) I'm SO "dense" about all things computer ... ;-PPPP ANYway...I'll be peeking in from time to time esp with my baby bro D.  Remember Sara we are calling…

  • Clean Start...Starting Over

    - 11 Jul 2007 - 5 comments
    Well I'm starting to feel more at home here at Ipernity...feels right, feels pretty good so far...So I've joined the 365 days project...and that feels like a REAL new beginning to me. See I wasn't a part of the *group* over at censr...dunno why...just never joined...but here well it just feels right. So there ya go...  

  • still learning...may take awhile

    - 20 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    still adjusting...but I do like it so far...probably need to learn French lol ya right...

  • Just joined

    - 17 Jun 2007 - 1 comment
    Sascha suggested it so hey .... I'm here :-D

30 articles in total