There is a thought tossed in the air among ima team. If we have members, and a server, and a domain, then how about starting again from scratch?
One could for example install a free Content Management System on our server, and see how it goes. But there are multiple things to consider:

How do we manage the subscriptions? With less than hundred users one could rely on people paying their share with no need to look after much. They could use PayPal or what ever works. And then just check the bank account every now and then to see that all have paid their share. But does it work with thousand users?

And if subscriptions should be dealt with more or less in manual way, would such web site gain much new users?

One key feature at ipernity has been tools that support sharing files, opinions and ideas with others. Does any CMS support discussion forums and groups between all and/or selected group of members?

Does CMS like Wordpress give tools to present "News" to all members in similar way as ipernity does?

There are management needed to install all this, MySQL and CMS, and then also keep it all up-to-date.

Then what could it look like? Every member could then of course hopefully get to show their own "home page" and collections. If we prefer to keep it simple, then all would have more or less the same layout though, and only some personal tampering allowed. For discussion forums there seem to be plugins to choose from. But plugins to arrange teams or groups is still open. As are number of features that makes ipernity so special (PiP notes, sharing EXIF, use different licenses, unique URL, share with different level of contacts etc.).

Under construction....