• ½ liters of water
  • ½ tablespoon of salt
  • (1 teaspoon of syrup)
  • 1 bag of dry yeast (or half bag can be enough)
  • 7 dl of rye flour
  • 2dl of wheat flour

The video is in Finnish/Swedish and made rather entertaining, but watch it for useful tips! Some experiment is maybe needed to find your own way ;-)

Mix yeast, salt and (syrup) into water. Add the flour and stir well! Let the dough rise several hours, or even over night.

Use rolling pin and plenty of flour to make 8 mm thin flat cake. Use dough cutter wheel to make small squares. Let rise for 1 / 2-1 h under sheet. Make holes into the surface with a fork before baking.

Bake at 200-250 degrees. Bake for about 10 minutes. The breads are fine if it sounds ”hollow” when you knock them. Let the breads settle under a sheet. Cut into halves when they are still fresh. Store the leftover breads for example in a paper bag to let them dry. Hard bread tastes just as good as the fresh one.