Many of you may remember that last year tuvalu organized quite some contests in his various groups including the special "Ipernity Frontpage Contests". After some time all this went down though. So this year he wanted to start again. He rethought what made him stop. One reason was, that most of the contests were strown over several groups and places. That's why he started a new group "photographic impressions - contests" dedicated only to his [tuvalu] contests.

Tuvalu also stopped organizing the Frontpage contests. Originally he wanted to restart them as well. But thought about this again and again. The problem is, the desire to have an easygoing, relaxed attitude towards the contests --- No hard rules, just inspration and fun.

This cannot be possible with the frontpage contests. Pictures suitable for the Ipernity Frontpage have to fullfill certain standards. This is why Tuvalu froze that group for maybe a restart sometime later. If anybody is seriously interested in taking over, please contact him.

Ok, so what about this new group?
On a somewhat regular basis he will start contests on various themes with no special price but the fun of joining. So there will be no special rules.
His descriptions refer more to "photographic impressions". So this will also be the general motto of the contests. The themes will always be more a source of inspiration than some restricting rule. If you think your picture suits a chosen theme, always feel free to post it!

Enough babbling. Now get on with it and join. The first contest has already started!

Tuvalu, PIC Administrator