Sometimes I ask to myself what can by fair in post-processing and what changes the nature of one image.

In my opinion I'm pretty sure that in my digital darkroom I can do every processing that was possible in the "analogic" darkroom.

I always try to distinguish between very elaborate post-processing as HDR, that in my opinion produce an image and not a shot and light post-processing, as white-balance corrections, curve corrections, conversion to black and white.

But recently an alarm bell rang, reading the comments to this picture:

"Winter stories 46053" by Roberto Ballerini - traveling [?]

This is obtained using The GIMP on this intermediate result:

"Winter stories 46053 (intermediate)" by Roberto Ballerini - traveling [?]

and this is obtained in Lightroom, color correcting and cropping the original colour shot:

"Winter stories 46053 (the original)" by Roberto Ballerini - traveling [?]

And you? What do you think about this processing and, more in general, what is a "fair" post-processing?