Life is black and white --- until you add music, then it becomes so colorful (think I found that among writings of Artie Shaw)..
So, I shall share my recent musical delights with you ( warning: if you don't like Bluegrass, don't open the link ) ~
The group is Old Holmes Boys based in North Carolina -

Gary is the Holmes part -- plays guitar & does vocals ..

Richard -- bass Ukelele (which is in a case - strapped to his back as he drives up on his Harley) .. then comes in to play such great sounds ~

Rafe -- plays Mandolin, Banjo & vocals (maybe guitar) .. without going to check the photos, am not sure .. he can probably play anything with strings on it !

Parker -- Banjo, Mandolin, Guitar & vocals ... as of 14July2014, he hadn't yet turned 19yrs old~

They all have a great sense of humor - talented to the nth degree - and so enjoy what they are doing. Not one cue card/iPad or such to remind them of words to songs .. so, that does account for a couple of verses forgotten ! No worry - the 'back up singers' a.k.a. the audience -- filled in!
