Articles by Pam J

  • Meanwhile ............

    - 25 Sep 2013 - 7 comments
    Where do the days GO ????????? I have never ever understood "boredom". I dont have TIME to be bored !!! I have flutterby pics to put up.... eventually ..... and today........ Well today............ Just finally had a very long overdue day out at the Lake. Have now downloaded the pics and have got 150 down to about 100... so far !! ...... but hoping for at least one decent one of the Bison who were by the fence. Its a small wild herd well contained within a very big area of th…

  • Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Recipe for Butterfly Food ! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

    - 19 Sep 2013 - 2 comments
    Several people have asked.... so.... here it is ! 1. Stir a 20 oz. sports drink (any flavor of Vitaminwater) & 2 cups of sugar together in a pan. Bring the mix to a boil and remove it from the heat. 2. After it cools, add 2 Tablebspoons of regular Soy sauce. (Soy sauce? Yes! It has amino acids and enzymes that will help keep butterflies healthy.) 3. Serve immediately. You can use a shallow saucer or new clean thin kitchen sponge soaked in it on an old dish. You can store leftovers…

  • Grasshoppers and at last.... Butterflies !

    - 15 Sep 2013 - 2 comments
    Still struggling with the new macro lens on the a65 and thats why you arent seeing the results of that right now The Cybershot macro is still my best buddy ! The grass has AT LAST started to slow down in growth !! After mowing every 5-7 days for 4 months...... The heat is abating too. Whilst it was a little easier than last year.. the humidity was terrible and made any work outside even more sapping. The butterflies are finally here in numbers.. had one sitting on my hand this morning.…

  • Thoughts and Thanks... and a NEW lens

    - 27 Aug 2013 - 10 comments
    WARNING My new macro lens came today.... and I have spent the afternoon taking some of the worst photographs of my life !!!!!!! Some may wish to delete me as a contact while you can ..........laughing... A little background ...... I was on the F-Place... not to really display.... but to visit people who are good friends and took beautiful pictures. I saw the way the F-Place was going months before it did... and then..... when it burst at the seams.... a wonderful soul introduced…

  • Wonderful BBC article about tracking Bees

    - 02 Aug 2013 - 1 comment
    I thought this might be of interest. Its a very good article.

  • How NOT to organise your Albums

    - 27 Jul 2013 - 2 comments
    As the title says... How NOT to organise your Albums !!! My Internet connection at best is awful. Its supposed to be fibre optic broad band. However.. out here in the sticks the ISP is 300% OVERsubscribed and it often slower than dial up ! On a good day I might get 1Mbps ! Last night I tried to move photos from one Album to another to better the collections ... well I part suceeded.. but because of the (not very intuative) way its done on this site I was struggling a little.. THEN manag…

78 articles in total