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Publication date  /  2020   -   5 articles

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  • Don’t Attack Iraq

    - 26 Apr 2020
    In the wake of Alastair Campbells‘ dodgy dossiers and on the brink of another war in the Persian Gulf, the anti war protest movement mobilised globally culminating in a coordinated day of protests in more than 600 cities across the world on 15th

  • SPEAK Protest: Stop the Oxford Animal Lab

    - 26 Apr 2020
    Walking into Oxford city centre in January 2006 I began to notice a heavy police presence, roads had been closed and traffic diverted. Unsure what was going on I continued into town and soon realised that there was a demonstration organised by the animal

  • SPEAK Protest: Boycott Vodaphone

    - 03 May 2020
    This was the second SPEAK protest in Oxford city centre that I documented. A small gathering of people assembled to highlight their feelings that funding given to Oxford University by Vodaphone could help to fund the animal lab. SPEAK had

  • SPEAK Protest: Pro-Test

    - 03 May 2020 - 1 comment
    On 25th February the stakes in SPEAK‘s campaign against the building of the new Oxford Animal Lab were raised. Four weeks earlier, 16 year old Laurie Pycroft had been shopping in Oxford when he witnessed a SPEAK protest and decided to stage

  • Speak Protest: City of Animal Abuse

    - 08 May 2020
    The last time I saw Mel Broughton protesting the Oxford Animal Lab as part of the SPEAK campaign was at the Martyr’s Memorial in July 2007. By December 2007 Broughton was remanded in custody facing charges of conspiracy to blackmail and