Don't touch it if you don't understand.
But what can I do if Windows with its idiosyncrasies intervenes with an auto-update and crashes everything. You bet you do. I have never experienced this in my long time at the PC.
Admittedly, I had already planned some modifications. Planned, mind you. And not begun. Preliminary work, finger exercises, but nothing attacked to create facts. Should secret vibrations have been transmitted to this so sensitive device...?
I hardly understand how this ultra-fast bit-attachment inside this old thermaltake-wind case, the oldest of my components, can work next to me. But in the end, years ago I was extremely well advised by my PC specialist around the corner. He recommended me at that time again a Gigabyte board as a basis for my desired equipment, which I / he has built up solidly with the construction of the computer with old existing components to a modern system with USB2.0/3.0, SATA 6Gbit with much little wind.
Over time I switched this base to SSD with the system hard disk, which, I noticed today, turned out much too luxuriant with 500 GB. This rubs a system maintenance tool again and again under my nose, which I also already after reading numerous recommendations on boards and dealer sides, which is why the thought grew in me to sausage these SSD externally at the router more meaningfully and to repot my Windows therefore on a 240 GB SSD.
But the PC doesn't know anything about all this yet, but it bitched as if it (!) was a diva. Again and again the screen flickers, which indicates researched wrong values in the registry, to be permanently removed only by a new installation of the graphics driver.
And there the circle closes: A visit to AMD has given me a tool that analyzes my hardware and automatically downloads and installs the required graphic drivers. If it works. Somehow the worm was already in there, because the installation of this tool was infinitely slow and corrosive, because it then also indicated again and again errors that I lost the desire. And in all these efforts Windows bursts in with its unfortunate auto-update and throws the whole system so into the abyss that in all my efforts to get back online I tried all problem solving aids of the system crisscross, but could not re-establish an Ethernet connection. I stumbled through the network links like I got lost in the woods.
In the end, I remembered that there is a new beginning in every end. Or what's it called...? In short, rebuilding my Windows gives me the chance to get rid of superfluous things and concentrate on what I need.
This has brought me the experience that a new Windows 10 x64 Home only costs a green card and the chance to add a clean UEFI system and to give the motherboard an update, that this unfortunate babble of the onboard sound card comes to an end when booting the computer. Believe me, backing up my image data, tinkering with the motherboard BIOS has helped me a lot again. You dare to do much more if you have already written off the existing system. And it almost hurts now that I pulled the Windows DVD out of my mailbox today, because the old Windows is running like hell again.
But now that it's decided, so do I.
What I wanted: On the one hand, I just wanted to write, to organize my thoughts. Tell you why I am less active right now, and prepare you if something goes wrong, and/or takes longer.
But actually I hope that I'm through with it tonight...
Hope, and now I have it again... ;)
And when I'm through with it, I'll have a bit more "new PC".
People go to ALDI, Eike is operating.

Translated with (Danke, Kalli!)
But not all is correct. I don't have a green card. 'Grüner Schein' synonyms 20 Euro in german.