My neighbours' have a new addition to their family - a lovely little girl called Merryn. I'm so grateful for all the help they give me, that I wanted to give them something for their granddaughter.

I haven't made any soft toys for over a year, and I soon remembered what to do!!! I thought that the little seal was a perfect size for a baby, and I do hope she likes it.

I made a little shawl or cape for it - so it keeps warm!!! - I feel it should be enough.

I must admit I've not felt like doing anything lately - the cold weather doesn't make me feel I want to do anything - I'm trying so hard not to use the fires yet, it'll be so expensive when I do. With all the hoo-hah going on in our Government - now a third Prime Minister and a third or fourth Chancellor - they each say things, then change their mind. I really dread what they come up with - especially us poor pensioners on a fixed rate and those others on benefits with children. It's strange how when the rich complain when their money is cut, that the Government reacts to pacify them.

Enough about that - no need to get maudlin. I hope you all have a great weekend to come.