I noticed the cherries are almost ripe and the birds are going to have a wonderful feast. Unfortunately for me - they are about 25 feet off the ground!!!! There are no cherries at a lower branch. So I thoroughly enjoyed the cherry blossom earlier on in the year, now I am looking at the fruit and I can't do anything but look!!!!! LOL

I don't remember seeing so many cherries up there before - in fact this year has been a bumper crop of everything. Do you think it might be because there isn't so much pollution about at the moment?

Another thing, that has nothing to do with pollution or suchlike - the orange cactus has opened nearly all of its flowers now - what a wonderful splash of orange they make.

I must admit they are wonderful flowers which last for weeks. I turned the pot around, to give the other side a chance to grow some little flowers - don't know if it'll work, but you never know.

Do you see what I mean about it being a wonderful splash of colour? I counted my hoya's flowers this morning and there were 42 clumps of flowers!!! 42!!!!!!! Amazing. Maybe I should have added the fertilizer before.

Well we've had thunderstorms today - the last few days it's rained a lot - which to be honest the ground really needed it. May was a particularly dry and hot month - but the rain is very welcome, but today we had thunder and lightning!!! I do love a good thunderstorm. The only problem being I got a headache!!! The air pressure must have been quite high. It's okay now though - it only lasted a short while.

I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. I noticed that social distancing was totally ignored with the protests both sides of the pond and in other countries. Some were even without masks and gloves - they will be the first ones to complain if they find themselves ill with this virus. For people like me, who have obeyed the government by self isolating, to have people totally ignoring the advice as if it doesn't concern them - really gets me angry. Do they want to hear about more lives being lost? At least there is a glimmer of hope - if this steroid drug they've found, works - then this awful virus won't be as deadly as it was first thought. It's plentiful and cheap - that's wonderful, so fingers crossed eh?

So stay safe, 2metres apart, wear your face masks/coverings when outside, that stops the rest of everyone getting ill. We don't want anymore of you to leave the wrong way.