Tony, my son, has finished his first year in College. He'd worked for Her Majesty' s Custom & Excise for 25 years and had to accept redundancy when the office was moved about 100 miles away. So he decided he wanted extra certificates to be able to follow his dream.

Ever since he was at College when he was a teenager, he wanted to work in media. So he applied for a place in College to study media. He was accepted and has just finished his first year. It was end of year awards last Friday and he did receive a few awards for his work with films he's made, so he was completely blown away when the Head of Media awarded him Student of the Year.

It came right out of the blue to Tony, and it was a shock, albeit a nice one, to Stevie, his wife, and his children watching. I'm so pleased they were there to hear the lovely words spoken about him. Luckily Stevie was viewing the ceremony so I was also able to hear how impressed the tutors were and that they are going to use his work to teach future students.

He's also working for a local tv company part time who do documentaries which he's loving. The tv company support the media courses and it looks like he might be offered a permanent job with them when he finishes his course.

So you can see why I'm a proud Mum. Tony came up to see me today and apart from showing me the videos of not only his films, but also the one Stevie took, he took me out to Appledore. Can you believe it, but we've had almost a month of wonderful hot sunny weather, but today it rained!!!! Apparently for the next week starting tomorrow the hot sunny weather returns. At least it had the grace to stop raining when we went out.

My new laptop arrives tomorrow so hopefully I'll be able to write better than I am at the moment .