Whilst visiting my brother in hospital a week or so back I inadvertently left my camera bag and all its contents in my hotel room and despite the best efforts of the hotel and myself it has disappeared, either stolen by staff or a guest who used the room after me.
So to the title "what to do" I have decided agaist using my insurance company to claim as the premium will rise to compensate for their loss, never really uderstood that but there it is.
So I have been looking to replace an ageing DSLR and a bridge camera with something a little newer and perhaps new technology as well.
I have had a brief look at mirrorless cameras and I have to say I quite fancy one but the prices seem high especially for the lens.
I tend to take landscapes, animal and bird and butterfly pictures, buildings etc so wonder if these cameras are any good for this type of work, I travel a lot so weight is important and these cameras are light.
I would appreciate anyones views on which camera to buy and views on mirrorless cameras from owners and users, both good points and bad.
Many thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Greg Laver aka natureoncam