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"Swords to Ploughshares"


arms race - disarmament -- disarmament


There they lie - the fighters -
the 'fallen'
the young men from many countries,
the defenceless citizens.
Armies leave behind plundered landscapes,
prosperous cities and countries.
They are plundered for their wealth,
men slain - women raped.

It was and is - unfortunately - still the same.
Suffering without end.

But the rulers - the victors - gloat.
Always the same game - their great goal - a great empire.
For thousands of years all over the planet.

Finally, after two world wars
with millions of dead and wounded
with cities destroyed and the earth scorched.
there is a resolution:


World War 1914 - 1918

Goals and principles of the United Nations

All member states of the United Nations (UN) have committed themselves to upholding the goals and principles set out in the Charter. Against the background of two world wars, they are intended to ensure cooperation among the
"Peoples of the United Nations".

"All Members shall refrain in their international relations from any threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or otherwise inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations."

entered into force on 24 October 1945

The general prohibition of the use of force is laid down in Article 2 No. 4 of the Charter of the United Nations ... Exceptions are the sanctions system of the UN Security Council according to Chapter 7 ...
However, even before the entry into force of the United Nations Charter, attempts were made to establish the renunciation of the use of force in politics.


The sculpture, "Swords to Ploughshares".
is a gift from the Soviet Union to the UN in New York.
It stands on the grounds of the UN
and another in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.
The sculpture of socialist realism was created by
Yevgeny Victorovich Vuchetich.

It became the best-known symbol of the GDR peace movement from 1980 onwards.
The drawing is by Ingeborg Geißler.
Initially intended as a bookmark - bookmarks on non-woven fabric did not require printing permission - it later served as a patch.
At first it was tolerated, but then the
by the state leadership as subversive.
Officially never banned, its wearers had to remove the patch from their clothing. A sword was reforged at the Wittenberg Church Congress in September 1983.


What an indictment of the men in charge.
They talk of peace and make war
- modern war with drones -

And again the battle cry resounds:
"We must defend our values
i.e. rare natural resources in other countries."
For us - the citizens, of course.


? Will peace remain a dream forever?


Hundertwasser writes about this:
"If one person dreams alone - it remains only a dream.
if many dream the same - it becomes reality."

Dr John Hagelin a modern scientist writes:
"Most people are not aware
how deeply their consciousness is connected...
with the collective destiny of the planet - or
or how they can have an effective..,
scientifically proven technique of consciousness
to create world peace virtually overnight.
world peace."

Another post:

" There is more evidence
that group meditation can turn off war... turning off a light..,
than there is evidence that aspirin relieves headaches."

Notes on Dr John Hagelin in the book.
"An Unexpected Conversation with God -.
The Awakening of Humanity" pages 156/157.


I believe in peace:


"Coming is the time,
when every human being
is like a unique flower.
And so there will be no more wars
between the flowers of the earth."


Rhododendron Park near Rathen - small bastion

Text and photos by Albert Jäger
except for the quotations given.
