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Publication date  /  2024   -   9 articles

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  • The Usual Poem

    - 04 Jan 2024
    This is another of those teetering one-on-top of-the-other Jenga poems about the spidery cracks about the flaws in our armour holes in our hands dry rot black spores x-ray machines white shadows sorrows etc cracks

  • Pylon

    - 13 Feb 2024
    Pylon the breeze carries traffic sounds across a tractor- scarred farmland... pylons above the bypass reiterate the vantage point of a buzzard...houses with grey blue slates ... nearly rhythmical murmur of the pines and far-heard traffic ... that’s how

  • Recreation

    - 15 Feb 2024
    Recreation Recreation built half steps trips major minor transactions sentient bandages warped around smiles of retribution heads fastened and racked with teeth kid I you told you beseeched some almost Mutant gifts shale dismal answer

  • Pour

    - 19 Feb 2024
    Pour weight reply between roads syncing to the surface doubted space and speed or by instinct lean forwards some tension seen altering the effects the Foley spliced here there could feel all day Intense drift curb and open flare and retreat if

  • Consign

    - 20 Feb 2024
    Consign Consign and other food a quality of scene relaxation inverse to the cusp defence we fail to happen statistics show lilac curators have more indolence than purpose is missing so far good made dignity Key though that would be pushing

  • Tend

    - 21 Feb 2024
    Tend Tend energy vitiate until softened merge only then alter the account praised foot feet shuffle the motes riffle the hedge row backwards traffic melting lately shown showing signals Apparently requires shoes reflective substance torn from an

  • Side

    - 02 Mar 2024
    Side Side mass one side rolled at pieces sentient lotions should be moved on by a careful touch marking the seeming distinction inside the offer which had been tentative in the first transition Used beneath heavy and quiet conditions could

  • Foam

    - 18 Mar 2024
    Foam Foam skirts agreed decorative collagen fringes in quilted hollow drains linger lingering crusts lips dry access to scrap by backwash teeter brushed pallor cross currents rich will Deliver acts of spume the indulgence of congealing purpose