Yesterday, Friday 19th November was definitely NOT a good day for this household.
Although, I know it could have been far worse ...

First strike - we've all had a bout of digestive problems, involving frequents visits to sit on the loo. Cause unknown, no other symptoms, in case anyone suggests LFTs.
[oh, and our visiting cat needed an emergency bathroom break ... but not the dog, as far as we can tell]

Second strike - on a search for windfall apples, one of us managed a poke in the eye with a bit of stick, which bled for a while. That resulted in some first aid and a visit to our local minor injuries unit, came away with ointment for 5 days. The eye is looking much better now.

Third strike - I had to go and deal with a dispute at work [long-standing and has roots in clashing personalities]. Having listened to both sides, together and separately, I gave them both an instruction, that they both agreed would be complied with before leaving work on Friday. They will both get letters on Monday, with an action plan to sort out the problem in the short, medium & long term.
[the weather is cold, wet & windy and I did a lot of this outside - for privacy - and therefore I got very cold & personally dispirited by the situation]

You would think that would be quite enough for one day ...

Had a call in the evening ... An elderly relative has died [not from Covid], another family member has had a relationship breakdown, and a third part of the family has had a well-loved pet die unexpectedly.

Not sure if not being able to eat an evening meal, or sleep properly count for this list.

I just need something good to happen ...
[It will be two weeks after my booster this coming Friday ... I hope that counts !]