Tanja - Loughcrew's favorite articles

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  • In transition

    After spending more than a year crawling around the house, holding onto furniture and doors, shopping online and endlessly reading about Brexit, I decided it was madness to be wearing hill-walking gear and began to buy ankle length skirts instead. I went for black because I love black and I felt gloomy and saw myself as one of those old Greek or Russian peasant women hobbling around on a stick. Granted I was using bright pink elbow crutches with red mules and hadn't got round to a headscarf bu…

  • 2019-02-14 [DE] Software-Update-Strategie

    ipernity club members
    [EN] Software Update Strategy [FR] Stratégie de mise à jour du logiciel Wir möchten euch heute ein Konzept für die immer dringlicher werdende Anpassung von ipernity an den Stand der Technik vorstellen. Damit verbunden ist das längst angekündigte Überleitungsangebot an die freien Nutzer. Es gilt ab heute für drei Monate, also bis zum 15. Mai 2019. Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity! In den vergangenen 12 Monaten hat unsere Gemeinschaft für die Instandhaltung un…

  • Finally Catalonia achieved independence!!

    Almost. The News: Maduro set a deadline of 7 days for the European Union and Spain to accept the independence of Catalonia! Putin set a deadline of 14 days for the US to accept Nancy Pelosi as interim president and arrange new elections (because Trump was not elected democratically and had less votes as his opponent)! Trump set a deadline of 30 days for Brasil to hold new elections, because the current president Bolsonaro is an undemocratic criminal (threatens with annihilation of minori…

  • 2019-02-01 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) To date, 213 users have renewed their subscriptions early. As a result, the liquidity of the community has increased by 8,797 EUR. Unfortunately, it is not about additional income, but only about temporal shifts. Due to the associated losses in the exchange rate adjustments, even 374 EUR less will come into the cash register. 2) As of today, the adjusted contributions to costs will come into force. We would like to point out again that the…

  • 1899 - Ich lebe mein Leben... Rainer Maria Rilke [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus]

    Der Hohe Dom zu Paderborn
    [de - eo - en - fr - es - nl - rus] Fotos von Albert Jäger der Hohe Dom von Paderborn und die Frauenkirche Dresden Rainer Maria Rilke von 1899 Ich lebe mein Leben in wachsenden Ringen, die sich über die Dinge ziehn. Ich werde den letzten vielleicht nicht vollbringen, aber versuchen will ich ihn. Ich kreise um Gott, um den uralten Turm,…

  • 2018-12-21: Christmas Newsflash/Newsflash de Noël/Weihnachts-Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) In order to better inform incidental visitors from the web that ipernity is a non-commercial community and thus different from most other photo sharing platforms, we have changed the information text on the login page. 2) In addition, we have finally implemented the long-awaited donation button. We would appreciate it if you would make use of it, so that the various wishes for the further development of our website can be realized earli…

  • Drunter und drüber

    In letzter Zeit geht irgendwie alles ein bisschen drunter und drüber. Politisch zumindest. Da macht man sich neben rechts und links auch Gedanken zum Oben und Unten . Wenn sich z.B. Astronauten zu lange im All aufhalten, dann verlieren sie nach einer Weile völlig den Sinn für oben und unten. Sie können dann auch nicht mehr die Unterlippe von der Oberlippe unterscheiden. Beim Bodenpersonal ist das natürlich einfach zu bestimmen. Ein Ober z.B., der hat Oberlippen. Und diese Oberlippen bestehe…

  • 2018-10-12 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Pam's recovery is gradually progressing. Periodical information can be found at Clickity Click www.ipernity.com/home/christine.bentley . 2. On Monday, Oct. 15. 2018, our returnee offer ends. So far it has been accepted by 139 users. More than 277,500 documents are now publicly visible again. The additional contribution margin is 3,543 EUR. Less the mailing costs and the cost reduction missed during the three-and-a-half-month offer phase, 1,…

  • 2018-10-28 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Pam is on the mend. She can stand again with support, takes first steps and already eats soft food. It's scheduled to transfer her to a rehab center today. To stay up-to-date, please also follow the news Pam's friends publish regularly underneath the previous newsflash: www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4708924 2) About this misfortune our plea to write some nice words about ipernity in the various existing rankings has unfortunaly faded a little…

  • Please help to make ipernity more popular

    five stars
    [EN] As a small community, ipernity does not have a budget for commercial advertising, but at least has the chance to be presented positively on Google and other relevant websites. You can help to increase the relevance there by rating ipernity with 5 stars and writing a few nice words about it. Thank you very much! Your ima team You can choose from (please click on):…

  • 2018-08-31 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After a well-deserved summer break, the ima team is back and would like to thank all users who have enriched ipernity with pictures and other contributions during the summer and holiday weeks. In addition, we would also like to thank those who have internally maintained operations and were available to help with any disruptions or questions. We would also like to thank our IT service provider Qwellcode, who quickly repaired another unforeseen s…

  • The end of ipernity as we know it?

    The European Parliament is discussing an upload filter for any user content uploaded to social media. German version below.

  • Career decision ?

    Cartoon Gov.
    Thought this may amuse, Take the government option, they never go to jail.

  • Neue Welten - neue Weitsicht

    IMG 7151
    Der Beginn des Jahres 2018 ist für mich der Beginn der Entdeckung einer neuen Welt. Eigentlich völlig undramatisch. Ich sehe sehr gut und scharf. Schon immer. Dann hatte ich eine Freundin, die eine Prismenbrille bekommen hat wegen Winkelfehlsichtigkeit. Dabei kooperieren beiden Augen nicht so richtig und das Gehirn muss die beiden unterschiedlichen Bilder, die auf die Netzhäute fallen, mühsam verrechnen. Man kann mit Augentraining das Sehen verbessern. Zum Beispiel mit einer Brock-Schnur. D…

  • Very busy lately!

    If I appear slow to visit and comment on photos, it's because my work schedule has changed in a way that makes it harder for me to keep up with groups like HFF and Macro Mondays 2.0. As I am someone who likes to comment on all my fellow members' photos in a prompt manner, it has been a frustrating to not be able to wish you a HFF ON Friday. Please forgive the delay, I will eventually get to visit and comment on your photos. Thank you so much for your past support and encouragement, ipernity frie…

  • 2018-03-09 "Independence Day"

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Four months ago we initiated a discussion about how we would like to describe ipernity to outsiders. The corresponding newsflash ( www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4683682 ) is one of the most read ima news. In the meantime an updated version of "About ipernity" has been created from the draft of November 2017, taking into account your suggestions. 2) With the help of our new IT service provider, we have put this version online today. You can fin…

  • 2018-02-23 ima Birthday News

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Exactly one year ago, on 23rd of February, 2017, the prefecture of Val-de-Marne issued the founding deed (as of 20.02.2017) to the ASSOCIATION DES MEMBRES D'IPERNITY. Since then, twelve busy months have passed, in which ipernity successfully has been rescued and the essential restructuring has been started. Without your support, that would not have been possible. We thank you for that. 2) Shortly after the takeover in September 2017, we had…

  • Dank - Rückblick und Ausblick - danko - retrorigardo kaj perspektivo

    Yin - Yang
    Dank Rückblick und Ausblick danko retrorigardo kaj perspektivo Ein Dank allen Mächten die mir halfen mein Leben zu gestalten und mir immer noch helfen Psalm 23 Der HERR - JHWH - ist mein Hirte mir wird nichts mang…

  • 2018-02-10 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Since the last newsflash on 26 January 2018 the topics of copyright and intellectual property policies have arisen. As a friendly reminder to all, based on Section 6 of the Terms of Service (TOS) , ima/ipernity honors copyright, trademark, and intellectual property protection requirements as stipulated under French law and other intellectual property laws. To avoid innocent mistakes or potential misunderstandings we ask that going for…

161 articles in total